Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Just Another Stolen Moment
Pairing: Codiasi
Rating: R
Summary: No time. No time at ALL.
Warnings: Slash.
Dedication: My bb girl Marie Meriwani, who completes not only my life, but the life of whatever I will be reincarnated as; to
theoneandonlylj and
angrbooa, who prod me for more fic, and consequently prod me to be better than I was in the fic before; to all other Codiasi shippers out there who share the obsession and know that the truth is out there.
X-posted to:
codiasi and
lady_tavington (
And now I’m awake. And now I hate you even more than I did when I was asleep, because now that I’m awake, I’m fully aware of how much I absolutely loathe you for waking me up. )