(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 01:29

Ok gonna post cause I don't feel like doing it anywhere else.

So... I worked 95 fucking hours in my last pay period, 16 days...and I didn't get overtime... "because of the way the days fell." Right... and then I get taxed so much that it only turned out to be just over what I usually make from my 70 hour periods. They really need to redo how they tax people, like doing more with the wage then with the damn hours, the hours mean you're working your ass off, the wage mean's how much you really make. It's... bullshit.

Bit's a cutie though, she's the bestest little shit ferret... well at least she's cute and keeps me good company even though she hasn't gotten the litter box down yet. It's so much fun to scrap with her around the apartment.

Jason decided to play a practicle joke on me this morning and tell me he got fired... I, didn't find it funny and hung up on him once he said he was kidding. My brother keeps finding apartments in Yakima and trying to get Jason to be his roommate. Both should be up here before summer so he should get off his ass and look for places here. My mom still doesn't care too much for Jason, but not because she doesn't like him, but because he's 11 years older, even though it's the same age difference as her and her husband.

So... Rachel and Justin are married and can now have sex... and now they want to have a baby... and she's going to stop taking birth control in May. Those two... should never breed. He's going off to Iraq and other places in under a year now, and she expects to have and take care of a baby alone while still in school? She won't even realize that babies need air. Plus there's no one anywhere near her to help her in an emergency. I don't know what she's thinking.

...Um... Jason is talking in his sleep... saying "Yeah, yeah, fuck yeah, yeah..." kinda creepy. Sound's like he's having a sex dream... better be thinking of me.

Wish my camera hadn't entered the land of the missing or else I'd have pictures of Bit up. It disappeared when people moved in and out, shouldn't have happened on the same day and I'm pretty sure someone stole it.

So a few weeks ago at work I was having a really bad day, and everyone new it, and i had even been talking to this hypocritical bitch who i was closing with about it. End of the night I'm trying to hurry her up with closing and not just stand there, she yells "what's you problem!" and I yell back "I just want to leave!" She goes in the next morning, and talks to the manager about it. Bitch. So i get this talk that makes it so I have another bad day and get a bitch talk about yelling "at" the girl. That girls got so many problems she's supposed to be able to understand, but no like I said she's a hypocryte, she can yell all the fucking time, around and about customers and everyone else, using alot worse language, and not get any talk. I guess she had a problem with me when we closed night before last too, because when I went in today, first thing Rene said was "so what went on with you and jill last night" and i was just like "uh what?" "she talked to me again, you didn't yell again or anything?" "uh no, i thought we had a fine closing, in fact i thought it was better than most the ones lately" after thinking about it the only thing I could come up with, and I told Rene, was that Jill kept leaving our back office, which is a door you can't see out of that doesn't look like a door from the store so you can easily hit people, without knocking. So during my lunch she was doing it again, and see, I trained Jill, she has nothing over me and I'm just below assistant manager same responsibility and no title or respect, and all i said to Jill was "you need to knock even if there was no one in the store when you came in." That's it. And she was carrying boxes, but she was back there long enough for a person to come in our store and stand at the door and get hit. So if that bitch had a problem with me correcting her mistakes she can just fuck off, if she doesn't want to be talked to like that then she should stop making those stupid mistakes because she knows better, she's just too damn lazy.

Anyway, that's all i can think of for now.

Goodnight my tiny little reader base!
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