Apr 10, 2023 10:11
Happy Easter, all. (All two of you probably still reading anything here.)
Spent yesterday with the fam, eating too much and convincing JR he wants to source me a new laptop and set it up for me so I don't have to. I didn't have to convince very hard.
Sadly, my current one is getting very... uh... near the end of its life. So I spent this morning backing up the handful of things I actually store locally in readiness for it to keel over which I suspect it will do literally any day now.
It's kind of a testament to my changing usage over the decades that the first time I had to change computers I had to port over hundreds of thousands of files and personalised settings. On this one, in the space of 4 years, I have about 40 video files of various TV shows I just haven't had time to watch yet, and a handful of document files and photos. Everything else is either cloud stored or streamed.
Or, in the case of those original hundreds of thousands of things, sitting on an old hard disk in a baggie in the attic just in case anyone needs an encyclopedic archive of Hugh Jackman's early career.
The laptop iself is more just a window unto the internet upon which I spend most of my time.
Poor old laptop though, she is on her knees, only wants to charge sometimes, and has been getting slower and slower with each successive windows update. I fear it's time.
Funny really, cause I feel like 4 years isn't the greatest lifespan for a laptop yet if it were a phone I'd be almost impressed by it, even though they more or less cost the same these days.
Oh well.