Quick PSA

Mar 09, 2022 19:33

I am... attempting to back up my LJ to Dreamwidth. Let's see how THAT goes. Mostly for archival purposes, I hope LJ isn't going to up and vanish any time immediately, cause I'm BARELY MONTHS away from my goddamn 20th anniversary. I will be PISSED if that happens.

Aaanyhoo. If the worst does happen, I'm the same username over on Dreamwidth as I am here. [lady_t_220] I very occasionally post nonsense as ladyt220 on Tumblr, but I'm most active on Twitter, also as ladyt220. That's a locked account, but if I recognise you I'll add you back.

I'm also technically on Facebook I guess but that's generally a private account I don't use for much other than keeping tabs on some stray cousins and former work friends. You'll have to message me cause I don't friend back over there unless I know who you are.

I've also just had to quick & dirty copypasta all the OLD AS BALLS fanfic from my fic accout here, cause I never uploaded it to AO3 and the original word docs are on the hard drive before the hard drive before last, which is somewhere in my attic and I have no idea if it still works.

So that's a thing. BUT it does mean I finally did a count and there's 70 fics I have written since 2001. That's really not a massive output when you think about it, but it's also far too many to shrug off if this all goes tits up.
Oh, yeah, I'm Lady_T_220 on AO3 in case you couldn't guess my cunning naming theme.

Fingers crossed Putin doesn't turn Russia into a Really Big Really Scary North Korea any time soon but yeah, just in case. I'll be around.
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