I signed up for a few memes this past week
* Leave me a comment saying "I have caek".
* I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
* Update your journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
1. Share one moment in which your pet had you laughing hard.
Featuring Debi, my compact mirror, my sister (in pink trousers) and me (behind camera)
2. One superpower you'd like to have?
Ability to leave my body. I don't know how much of a superpower that is, but it would be really handy.
3. One TV show that you'll never get tired of watching?
None, sadly. All the ones I've thought I'd love forever have eventually lost my interest.
4. Describe your personality in percentages. (As in, 50% this, 25% that...)
30% laziness, 40% friendliness, 5% madness, 10% aggressiveness, 15% randomness
5. Your favorite lyrics to a song?
So much to choose from. But I think in emotional sense, these:
Kus on sinu tõeline jõud?
Kas on ta kätes või jalus?
Kus on sinu tõeline jõud,
Sinu elu ainuke alus?
Kus on sinu tõeline jõud?
Kas südames on, või peas?
Kas on sinu tõeline jõud
Ununenud tunnete seas?
Ei ole su tõeline jõud
Eraldi ega ka lahus.
Sa otsi ja leia see jõud.
Leia see jõud.
In translation
Where is your true strenght?
Is it in your hands or feet?
Where is your true strenght,
Your life's only support?
Where is your true strenght?
Is it in your heart or mind?
Is your true strenght
Amongst forgotten feelings?
Your true strenght isn't
Separate nor apart.
Search and find that strenght.
Find that strenght.