I was lj-browsing, when I came upon this meme and remembered that
kidscrappy tagged me to do it, like, 19847 years ago. I'm good at being late.
List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself.
→ Tag seven people to do the same.
→ Do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it."
1. I can't sleep on an empty stomach. If I don't eat something at around midnight I'll be insomniac that night. And it need to be something filling. It won't help it if it's just a cookie or something.
2. I have vampire teeth (canines longer than other teeth), a fact that I'm ridiculously proud of and will show off whenever possible.
3. I seriously dislike being indoors. After a few hours of being confined, I get really jittery and start pacing around the house while looking out the windows. And my appetite skyrockets.
4. My form of flattery is nicknames. So if I start calling you something that's not your (user)name, it means I like you.
5. I can't tell difference between car brands. Unless I see the symbol of course. But otherwise no. I'm still trying to live down the time I confused my sister's boyfriend's BMW for my aunt's Opel.
6. I like sour taste. I mean, I really like sour taste. Back when I worked in a coffee bar, the other girls used to nick sugar cubes when no one was looking, I nicked lemon slices.
7. I handle cold better than heat. As a consequence I really dislike summer, but like winter. But my favourite season is still autumn.
thecolourclear and
I honestly can't remember who's done it before. If you have then I'm not forcing you to do it again.