Cold record

Dec 18, 2009 15:51

Today was this year's cold record (so far) - -24,4ºC (-12ºF). Consequently, my cheekbones hurt and I can't feel the soles of my feet.
In good news, my winter holidays have now officially begun!

EDIT: New record - 29ºC (-20,2ºF)

Also, I saw this in aerodactylos's post and just had to have a go myself

Which Avatar: the Last Airbender Nation do you best fit into?
Your Result: The Earth Kingdom

Congratulations! You are an inhabitant of the Earth Kingdom! The people of the Earth Kingdom pride themselves on being dependable, helpful, and hard-working. They have a strong sense of duty. They are givers and are concerned about the welfare of others, especially the young and the old. They strive to be responsible and trustworthy. They have a strong work ethic and respect the rules and hierarchies of society. They are often prosperous and have great respect for the institutions of society. Their strength is in their diversity, drawing such strength from their ability to obtain different perspectives on life. They ultimately seek stability and are always prepared for the worst.

At their best they are accepting, adaptable, agreeable, balanced, belonging, concerned, concrete, considerate, consistent, dependable, dignified, diplomatic, easy-going, forbearing, friendly, mediators, peaceful, prepared, prosperous, steadfast, supportive, thorough, and tolerant. At their worst they can be aimless, ambivalent, boring, conforming, dispirited, doubtful, downcast, dull, fatalistic, indifferent, lazy, leery, masochistic, monotonous, passive, permissive, pessimistic, reluctant, self-deprecating, stubborn, sluggish, uninvolved, and unmotivated.
The Air Nomads

The Fire Nation

The Water Tribe

Which Avatar: the Last Airbender Nation do you best fit into?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

nature, meme, pain, me

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