Kiva12 Rantage. 8DDD

Apr 20, 2008 19:11

Holy hell, after an episode or so after nothing, we finally see some NagoWataru fanservice. <333 *loves 6:56-7:42*

Nago, you're such a gentleman, giving Wataru your scarf. It sorta, kinda makes up for your meanie-assness from the last few episodes.

That bruise, though, looks very ugly. I'd be crying buckets if my elbow looked like that. >_< (We all know what make up on actors look like though, so I shouldn't be worried about Seto. Right?)

It amuses me greatly how Nago's personality's sorta done a 180 after he thinks he killed Kiva. xD

.....7:49: I take back everything I just said about the 180. Nago's such a control freak. A very hot control freak. But one nonetheless.

But hotness or not, he had no right to damn. I forgot Kumai's character's name! >_<; Though he remined me briefly of Oomura.

And why did he stop before killing Spider-guy?! If I were him, I would've went IXA on that man's ass. Seriously, Spider-guy's been alive since episode 1. He. must. die. ...Well, at least Nago backhanded him.

Ah, Otoya! *missed his awesomeness with the violin* I'd kill to get my hands on that violin music he's playing. As a matter of fact, f-list, does Kohei actually know how to play the violin or is his playing just being dubbed? xD

WAIT. WHAT. Yuri's asking Otoya out now?! ...Oh. OH. I shouldn't be surprised. Jiro, her old 'love' disappointed her and now she's running to her 'wingan' Otoya. xD Eh, despite that, she's still damn cool in my eyes.

And I love Otoya for being so honest for saying that he didn't like the way Yuri was acting. And for trying to get IXA for her. It really shows how much he loves her.

Which makes me all the more curious as to what happened that made Yuri die and Otoya...well, we don't know where he is as of now. xD

14:00 - Oh dear lord. Rainy scenes always break my heart.

And Jiro with a life support or whatever the hell you call it is even more saddening. >_< And now, I can just smell the love triangle now. JiroYuriOtoya will be very interesting, considering what happens to Yuri and Jiro...

Back to 2008. Ha, Megumi you're so awesome like your dead mom sometimes. xD But as per usual, you're the bait for Nagos plot to lure Kiva out. And yes, I made this assumption the moment Spider-guy came into view. 8P

....And I see Nago's scarf tied to Kiva's motorcycle will already hold a few problems.

Ouch, faceplant into dirty water for Nago. Perfect landing onto kickass motorcycle for Wataru.

Oh wow. Sexy-esque hair flip into singing mode. Kudos to Seto! Though I think he moved his head around too much. xD; But still, he looked great singing.

Oh my god, this episode was awesome! So glad I stopped rewatching Den-O for the time being. xDDD

kiva rant

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