Friday...and Den-O mini-rant

Apr 11, 2008 18:05

YAY ITS FRIDAY! But boo, since I have to do 10 pages of homework that's due on Tuesday. And I gotta make cus-cus (didn't spell it right) for Thursday festival.

Ah, but Den-O's been making this week a helluva lot more better. I'm on the last episode now; it took all of my patience and control not to watch it last night.

It's been fun watching it. So many plot-twists and goodbyes, it makes me sad that there were only 49 episodes (xD;). But they're all worth watching. Especially the ones with Yuuto in them. <3

Even though there are clear signs of AiriYuuto, my brain still wants RyoutaroYuuto. I blame Juu and her way of coming up with weird pairings. D: Of course, I'm not complaining too badly; my brain's got some proof in the form of hidden fanservice. *coughtheirdayatthethemeparktogethercough* 8D

Ah, but epi. 42 made me laugh a whole lot, at Deneb's awkwardness. Makes me think that is he was actually human, that girl could make a good canidate for his girlfriend. xD; But epi. 43-48 were just unbelievably awesome and tearful. I know I'll enjoy that final episode.

And when I do, I'll go watch Kiva11. ^^


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