Ganked from
kat8cha :D
Pick 12 random slashable characters in any order. Take note that all of them have to be of the same gender.
1. Shirota Yuu
2. Yanagi Kotaroh
3. Araki Hirofumi
4. Takagi Manpei
5. Takagi Shinpei
6. Sakurada Doori
7. Suzuki Hiroki
8. Aiba Hiroki
9. Baba Tooru
10. Yamada Ryosuke YES I DEEM HIM AS SLASHABLE :/
11. Nakaguchi Masataka
12. Takiguchi Yukihiro ('Cause you can't just pair the Peitwins together and NOT have him between them. :D)
Does 10 strike you as a voyeur and/or an exhibitionist? (Yamada), I think he's a pretty innocent boy at the sweet age of 14. xDDD
Who in all the multiverse would 11 most likely bottom to? (NakaMasa)
What is this, a rhetorical question? Ba-chon, of course! :D But I'm sure Aiba could persuade NakaMasa if he tried...
Would you rather do 3 or 5? (Araki or Shinpei)
....Araki. *blushes* But I don't believe in sex before marriage.
Which of 4 and 1 would you rather have do you? (Manpei or Shirota)
Shirota, because he's got more experience than Manpei. At least, I think so. But seriously, I think Shirota would know what he was doing.
12 and 2 are having sex in an airplane. Construct a snippet of dialogue that happens during this encounter. (Takki, Yanagi)
...I'm sorry. I think my brain just died from the crack. @_@;
How much would you pay to see naked pictures of 11? Have you? Where can the rest of us find these pictures? (NakaMasa)
I wouldn't, I can't and I haven't. Because god knows I couldn't handle even that amount of maturity, and I'd be too embarassed to even try to find those pictures. xDDD But I'm sure others could find the pictures on the internet (Remember what's it's purpose was for, ladies). ^^;
Where are 5 and 9 most likely to have sex? Who on your list is most likely to write a trashy novel about it? (Shinpei, Baba)
(I have a feeling Juu could make this into a crack pairing if she tried. xDDD) UM UM. Shinpei could visit Ba-chon after rehersals and...well, you could guess the rest. And NakaMasa could write about it, to get at Ba-chon?
When 12 masturbates, he or she thinks about... (Takki)
The Peitwins. Or Seto. Or maybe even all three at the same. damn. time.
What is 11's favorite sex toy? (NakaMasa)
Again, a rhetorical question. Ba-chon.
Come up with a title for a 12/7/1 threeway. Would you read it? Would you write it? What would some of the warnings be? (Takki/Zukki/Shirota)
....I don't think I could read this. xD Maybe for embarassed giggling, but only for that. I don't think I can picture anyone on my f-list who'd want to write this anyway. And I'd call it "Simply Triangular"? xDDD 'Warning: Yaoi Roleplaying and cosplaying of the weirdest kind. May induce headaches.'
Who's more likely to be tied up during consensual sex, 2 or 6? (Yanagi or Doori)
UM. DAMN. Both are so...ARGH. Ok, I'd say Yanagi. He may need to be persuaded and might not enjoy it at first, but Doori could convince him otherwise.
If 11 and 3 are carrying on a torrid and forbidden love affair, who's most likely to spill the beans? What would the other person do to retaliate? (Araki and NakaMasa)
Ok, first off, that'd be hot to read. Second, my vote's on NakaMasa spilling first. He'd totally tell Ba-chon, then Araki would tell Zukki and then it would network so almost everyone and their mom knew about it. They would then dislike the attention and either try to keep their sex life secret or go their seperate ways.
As a birthday present, 7's longtime lover 5 offers to do whatever 7 wants in bed. What's 7's secret birthday wish? (Zukki and Shinpei)
OMG. UM. First thing that popped into my mind was 'roleplaying' so...damn. I can't think straight at the moment. xDDD
Choose a food item for 4 and 12 to use together. (Takki and Manpei)
:DDDD I choose mandarin oranges.
8 and 4 are in a fulltime relationship. Who's the top? (Aiba and Manpei)
Which fetish is 9 least likely to indulge? (Baba)
Bnadage and/or exhibitionism
What would you do if you had 8 naked, willing, and ready in your bed? What would 5 do if he/she had 8 naked, willing and able in his/her bed? (8 Aiba, 5 Shinpei)
...Um. I'd probably resist the urge to pounce him. And Shinpei? He'd probably call in his brother. Who would call over Takki.
What wouldn't 10 and 4 tell their friends about their sex life, assuming they had both a mutual sex life and some friends? (Yamada and Manpei)
Yamada probably wouldn't mention the fact that he has had sex in the first place at his age. Then again, he could be legal in Japan, but there's also the fact that he's not allowed to have a girlfriend/boyfriend.
10 gets a tattoo to declare his/her eternal love for 9. Where is it? What does it say? (Yamada, Baba)
Probably on his lower back. And it'd be some curly design with letter on readable to Baba. :D
Imagine that 2 writes an erotic 11/6 fic. What sort of summary might the fic he/she writes have? (Yanagi; NakaMasa and Doori)
...'SCUSE ME? Um. There were needs and wants that he had. He needed Doori, but he wanted his love just as much. (Man, I TRIED.)
If 2 walked into the room wearing nothing but a red thong and a feather boa, how would 8 react? (Yanagi and Aiba)
Aiba would blink, then laugh.
And the obligatory fill in the blanks erotic fairy tale! Change the numbers with the matching names on your list.:
9 and 1 are having a quickie in a broom closet when 8 walks in on them. Naturally enough, 8 joins in, first paging 3, who's in the middle of fucking 5 into the mattress. 3 abandons 5 on the verge of orgasm, excited by the possibility of illicit broom closet sex, and 5, irate, becomes a highly paid prostitute until the well-meaning and generous 4 attempts to rescue him/her. But 5 will have none of it, refuses to be redeemed, and opens a high-class brothel in Los Angeles, where 10 is one of his/her regular clients.
Baba and Shirota are having a quickie in a broom closet when Aiba walks in on them. Naturally, Aiba joins in (It's JUST LIKE HIM TO DO THAT), first paging Araki who's in the middle of fucking Shinpei into the mattress. Araki abandons Shinpei on the verge of orgasm, excited by the possibility of illicit broom closet sex, and Shinpei, irate, becomes a highly paid prostitute until the well-meaning and generous Manpei attempts to rescue him/her. But Shinpei will have none of it, refuses to be redeemed, and opens a high-class brothel in Los Angeles, where Yamada is one of his/her regular clients.
...The only parts that made sense was the Aiba joining in part. xD And the Peitwin conflict. But that's all.
*washes her face* That...was probably the most embarassing mem I've ever done. xDDD