Value the life

Jun 23, 2016 22:43

I decided to continue the blog. I am usually too lazy to open it and write something down, or think it worthless to trough my little thoughts into something as big as Internet. But overtime I do want to recall my feelings about some events and wish I had a post about it.
Since my account name is lady_success, I consider myself on the path to success. I have already experienced how the environment is important and how I can learn from other successful people. So I just want to list the qualities that most “top people” (TP) share (but there are exceptions of course).
·        Self-reliance.  TP rarely seek for an advice, except a professional expertise outside of their field of knowledge. And even with advice they are always capable of making decisions.
·        Awareness of own weak and strong side. Seems for me that a lot of TP decide to work on their strong sides, not correcting the weak ones.
·        Love to money. They enjoy having money, taking about them, holding them and wisely spending them. I only know of corporate money. Have no idea how TP handle their personal finance
·        Speak clearly, very often - loudly. Even in non-native language they never afraid of speaking
·        Exercise respect and simplicity talking to people of any levels: high level management, politicians, students, servants.
I will add more….
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