I'm still working on holiday fics, but this one grabbed my brain this morning and would not let go untill I wrote it down.
Title: The Psychological Significance of Missing Animals
Fandom: The Pretender (with a Carnivale cameo)
Character/Pairing: Sydney, Ms Parker
Time Frame: After Curious Jarod
Spoilers: Minor ones for CJ
Synopsis: Sydney has a very strange dream.
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG13
Warning: references to war, mild cussing
Disclaimer: The Pretender and the characters and settings therein are the property of NBC(?), and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Author's Notes: Although this isn't properly a crossover, I doubt it will make much sense unless you've seen Carnivale, or at the very least you'll miss the joke.
I'm on a battlefield, at night. There's the smell of smoke and blood and death everywhere. I'm searching for something, crying out, but no one can hear me. There's a figure just ahead of me in the fog, and when I aproach I see it's a man. He looks something like me, only he is blind, and dressed very strangely.
"Pardon me," he asks politely, and his voice sounds similar to mine, "have you seen my bear?" and he holds up a broken leash.
"I don't know," I say, and hold up a large wire cage I hadn't realized I was carrying, "have you seen my monkey?"
"Perhaps he's under your hat," the man who looks and sounds like me says, and I raise my hands to my head and there's something there, but before I can do anything, there's an explosion, noise and dust and fire everywhere, and I hear the sound of a man laughing.
Sometimes it's the man, or perhaps myself, but sometimes, it's Jarod.
"...so that's my dream. What do you think it means, Ms Parker?"
Ms Parker snorted and took another long drag on her cigarette. "How the hell should I know," she finally said, smoke curling around her words. "You're the goddamn psychologist. Go analyze yourself."
"Well, it's obviously significant, and has to do with finding Jarod." Sydney tapped his lips thoughtfully. "But some of the imagery is contradictory, and doesn't seem to relate to our situation at all."
Ms Parker took another puff of her cigarette and chuckled darkly. "You mean war, and missing circus animals? I think it means your subconscious has a better grasp on the situation than you do." The doors chimed and opened, and she strode out.
"Yes," Sydney said softly to the empty elevator, "that is what I'm afraid of."
I'm only up to episode seven on this show, and here's fanfic. I think this might be some kind of record....