Not a Word Yet

Dec 14, 2008 19:14

Title: Not a Word Yet
Fandom: Farscape/Dr Who
Characters: Stark, Seventh Doctor, brief cameo by a companion
Time Frame: ...look, honestly, the best answer to that is "Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey"
Spoilers: bizarrely, no.
Synopsis: One of the embarrassing side effects of being a time-traveller is running into old friends you haven't met yet. Sequel (sort of) to An Uncommonly Honest Face
Word Count: 633
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Farscape and the characters and settings therein are the property of the Henson Company, Dr Who and its characters are property of uhm, the BBC? - not me, anyway, and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Acknowledgements: This again takes place in the world of Astrogirl's Travel Light, which I cannot recommend enough as a rollicking crossover adventure. The title however is this time taken from the song "Back There" from the Muppet Movie, specifically: There's not/ a word yet/ for old friends/ who just met
Author's Notes: This was written as a Christmas pressie for (shock! amazement!) astrogirl2.

"Doctor!" A voice says, full of delighted recognition, and the Doctor eagerly turns to face it, but he does not recognize the speaker in the slightest.

An elderly humanoid gentleman with a set of very faded scars is running up to meet him, a smile beaming on his face. The Doctor tips his hat politely, saying "How do you do!" and hopes that if he has met this man, he remembers it soon - it's terribly embarrassing when one's memory fails one.

"You look like you again!" the man says, and the Doctor blinks politely as he continues "the last time I saw you, you didn't."

The Doctor now has a sinking feeling he knows what's going on here. "Ah, what did I look like, the last time you saw me? And did I have anyone with me?"

The man looks thoughtful. "Well, you had a shaved head, large ears and nose, and you wore a jacket made of animal hide - black, like a Peacekeeper's. Oh, and there was a young blond human with you - named Rose - but I never got to know her very well."

The Doctor is very certain that he has never looked like that, and doesn't know anybody named Rose... yet.

"I'm afraid I'll have to stop you there, my good fellow," he says firmly but politely, pressing the tip of his umbrella to the man's chest, "for you see, or may even have guessed by now, I don't even know your name." At the man's dismayed expression he continues, "Oh, it's not because you're not memorable, I'm sure you're a delightful person as I only cultivate the friendship of very delightful people," and at that the man smiled, "but you see," and here the Doctor leaned in and whispered conspiratorially "I haven't met you yet!."

The man blinked at him, and the Doctor frowned. "You do know I'm a time-traveller, correct?"

"Actually," the man said "I don't think it ever came up. It does make a few things make more sense" he added thoughtfully.

"Yes, it would do that." The Doctor nodded.

Suddenly the man's eyes widened and he looked at the Doctor in mild horror. "Oh! Oh, no, I can't... If.... unrealized realities.... I should go!" He said, wringing his hands.

"Don't worry, my good fellow, I seem to have the most terrible timing. Rather ironic for a Time Lord, don't you think? Ah, never mind. Until the next time we meet, my good fellow, which is hopefully the first time, and not the last time, if you follow me."

The other man clearly didn't, but the Doctor was very used to that. "Goodbye then, Doctor," the man said fondly, "and thank you in advance, for everything. Without saying too much, we have always tried to use your gift wisely, and not abuse it." He smiles enigmatically, as if he has just discovered the answer to an age-old riddle and can't wait for his dear friend to figure it out himself. "Perhaps you always knew we would. Give my love to Ace," he adds, then frowns thoughtfully. "Or, no, don't - she hasn't met me yet."

"Well, I will anyway, as soon as I meet her, and know your name." the Doctor Chuckles.

"On that thought, it's past time, pardon the expression, I should go." And the man abruptly vanishes in in a burst of golden light.

It's none too soon, for just as the light fades, Mel comes around the corner. "Oh!" she squeals, "What was that? And who were you talking to?"

"That was who I was talking to. Apparently, he teleports."

"But, who was he?" Mel asks, utterly confused.

The Doctor beams up at Mel. "Actually, I've no idea. But I think I'm going to very much enjoy finding out someday."

That was ludicrously fun. And does not contradict anything in Travel Light - I re-read it to make sure.

I also feel this is more substantial and less silly fluff than the last "sequel" I did for TL - and puts an interesting spin on it.

I'm insanely proud of my 7 voice, here - I think I got him bang on, and that makes me happy, because I adore him.

character: doctor who: the doctor: 7th, challange: gift, fandom: doctor who, genre: crossover, character: farscape: stark, warning: crackfic, fandom: farscape, genre: metafic, genre: ampersand, rating: g, character: doctor who: other companions

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