Wow, I'm on an angst roll tonight...
Title: Title: The Tragidee of Self-Inflicted Wounds: Part II, Act I, Scene V
Fandom: Farscape
Character/Pairing: Stark/Zhaan
Time Frame: *giggles* Self Inflicted Wounds, Part 2, Act 1, scene 5
Spoilers: uh, kinda yeah.
Synopsis: A scene from farscape retold in the style of Shakespeare using blank verse
Word Count:
Rating: G
Warning: ...uh, does iambic pentameter need a warning?
Disclaimer: Farscape and the characters and settings therein are the property of the Henson Company, and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Acknowledgments: Thank you to the now-defunct Pure Pilot website for the transcript, and to Wikipedia for the how-to on blank verse.
Author's Notes: I came accross a Star Wars fic, the title and author long forgotten to me now, that did the same thing with Anakin and Padme and the fireplace scene from Attack of the Clones, and I just had to try it for myself. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, but very satisfying. You cannot imagine what I would give for a recording of Paul and Ginny doing this version...
[Stark] My love, I didn’t mean to startle you.
[Zhaan] I am to die anon. The Goddess kind
Has chosen hence for me a harbinger
[Stark] A planet bright and wondrous awaits!
Look, just beyond the window there it lies
To make you hale and give you life anew
Do you not see?
[Zhann] A serpent lies between!
[Stark] You’re ill; you merely saw a fever dream.
[Zhaan] My Stark, my wond’rous Stark . So terrified
Of letting slip your grasp upon my heart.
[Stark] A darkness lies within my troubled soul
That frightens all away who dare to love
This damn’d stykera wretch whose curse and call
It is to ease the path of dying souls.
Whenever I assist those close to death
I cannot help but suck a tiny shred
Of their existence. Over countless cycles
This endless march of death before my eyes
And through my spirit leaves with me a vast
And ter’ble reservoir of evil hearts.
My Zhaan, I cannot bear to lose the one
And precious thing that mitigates this sick
And twisted core of my existence: you.
I left out the stage directions because, well, so did Will. I didn't just want to copy the originals, but at the same time I had no idea how to do new ones. So I avoided the question entirely.