Intelligent Design

Feb 12, 2007 16:54

Title: Intelligent Design
Fandom: The Matrix
Characters: Smith, Jones, and Brown
Time Frame: Pre-Matrix (Post CWS)
Spoilers: None
Synopsis: A day at the zoo with everybody's favourite agent trio
Word Count: 258
Rating: g
Warning: sillyness
Disclaimer: The Matrix and the characters and settings therein are the property of The Wachowski Brothers, and are used here entirely without permission but entirely with respect. This is for love, not for money.
Author's Notes: Written for the vocabulary drabble meme from urrah on the word "monotremes". While this takes place in the Twin Souls ficverse, and refers to things long down the road (which may or may not happen, and thus are not really spoilery) it stands alone, I feel.

"Why?" Smith muttered to himself as he and his team stood and waited for the rebel group whose communiqué they'd intercepted.

Jones and Brown turned to look at him. "Why what?" Brown asked.

Smith pointed through the bars of the enclosure in front of them at where a monotreme - tachyglossus aculeatus to be exact - was rooting at leaves at the edge of a small pond.

"Why bother including such an aberrant and impractical design? The humans wouldn't know the difference. They have no records, no knowledge of this era except what we tell them. We dictate their reality. Why bother slavishly adhering to an ancient and obsolete model? These ludicrous oviparous mammals are a symbol for everything that is wrong with this system. In short, why monotremes?"

There was a brief pause while Brown considered Smith's question and Jones considered questioning Smith's leadership. Then Brown turned to Smith and replied "Why not?"

Smith and Jones stared at Brown, dead silence holding sway in their small corner of the zoo for long minutes, until Jones finally rumbled "Our purpose is to enforce the system, not to question it."

"Yes," replied Brown, "that is what I meant."

Any further discussion was curtailed by the arrival on the scene of the rebel group.

However, years later, once he'd developed the - some would say "malfunctions", Brown preferred the term "additions" - to comprehend and appreciate such things as preference, subconscious, and aesthetic, Brown realized that that wasn't what he'd meant.

What he'd meant was "Why not? Echidnas are cute."

I got nothing. Though it does give me the urge to mail a certain Mr Goddard a little plushie echidna.

character: matrix: jones, character: matrix: brown, genre: humour, character: matrix: smith, rating: g, fandom: matrix, fandom: matrix: twin souls

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