Title Confrontation
Fandom: Harry Potter
Setting: AU fifth year
Raiting: PG
A/N: Takes place after
Test of Purity, as part of the Malfoy's Duty series. Written for
"I didn't think he'd hit me," Harry muttered darkly, wincing as Hermione dabbed at his still bleeding nose and admonished him not to move.
"Don't be thick," Ron snapped, passing Hermione another rag to replace the rapidly bloodied one, "what'd you expect to happen when you went up to Malfoy and asked him why he's been acting mental all term? Hearts and flowers?"
Harry snorted. "No, what I mean is..." he shifted in his chair. "It's not like Malfoy, is it? Hitting, I mean. Usually he's the first with a curse but this time..." Harry shook his head. "He hit me. Right away."
"And then cursed you," Hermione said tartly, and threw the latest bloody rag back into the bowl beside Ron where they'd been soaking them. "I think it's finally stopped. Trust Malfoy to discover a bleeding jinx with no countercurse I've heard of. Why didn't you just let us drag you to Madame Pomfey?"
"Because then I'd have to tell her who'd jinxed me, and that'd get someone into trouble. Probably Malfoy." Harry said, wiping his nose and grimacing.
"So..." Ron blinked in utter confusion, "why didn't you let us drag you to Madame Pomfry, again?"
Harry shook his head, and and sighed. "Because I need to talk to him, Ron. Because he can see thestrals. That means he's seen somebody die. And it affected him."
Ron threw up his hands in frustration. "Well of course it did! But he's Malfoy! He probably watched You-know-who kill some Muggle! Serves him right if he's having bad turns over it!"
Hermione, however looked at Harry wonderingly. "You think he's regretting it. You think he might switch sides."
Harry shook his head again. "It's more than that. He was his usual - well, usual for lately - dead self, right up untill I implied he'd been out Death Eating with his dad. And that's when he hit me. And while I was lying flat on my back he cursed me, and hissed 'I'd never' and then his eyes got wide and he ran off. And I could have sworn I heard a choked noise - like a sob - as he ran." He fixed the two of them with an intense stare. "I think Voldemort killed someone he cared about. And I want to help anyone that happens to, even Malfoy."
Set in the Malfoy's Duty AU, this took me by surprise and really doesn't have much to do with the word that sparked it.