Fanfiction: Fear in a Handful of Dust (3/?)

Feb 22, 2011 15:19

Title: Fear in a Handful of Dust (3/?)
Author:  lady_slayer 
Rating: T
Pairing: Damon/Elena,
Category: Hurt/comfort
Summary:Be careful what you wish for, or it might actually happen. Lives will get turned upside down, hearts get broken and everything is NOT the way it should be. Also... nothing good EVER came of a wish that starts with "I wish you could..."!
Warnings: A little blood, a bit more foul language, but nothing TOO bad.
Show/Bookverse: Show
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these characters. And the title is from “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot
Spoiler: A few, I guess... but I don't really pick up on the actual show-plot, I just use a few newfound charactertraits (and new characters, like Elijah).

As always I owe a HUGE thank you to my beta AVECIA (her stories are awesome - go read them people!). Also, thank you people, for all the great reviews, I love you all to BITS for them!!!


On with it!


Stefan was leaning onto the back wall of the Boarding House, watching his brother sitting on the lawn, his face turned up so he could feel the full blast of the sun on it. Trying to watch Elena was hopeless at the moment, as she had taken to trying out how fast she could run… and it was really damn fast. The girl was enjoying this way too much for her own good, but then again, so was his brother.

When Damon and Elena had finally calmed down, they actually started to see the up’s of this situation. The elder Salvatore was basking in one of those up’s right now: feeling the sun again. Really feeling it, not just walking in it, hidden under the protections of a spell; because no matter how nice those rings where, how good it was that they didn’t have to hide until the night-time to come out… direct contact with the sun still wasn’t all that much fun. It still was disturbing. And as Damon always had loved the sun, he had hated it that much more.

And Elena… well, it wasn’t like she was rejoicing in the fact that she now had to drink blood, be careful of vervain and would need an invitation to even get over the threshold of her own home. But she was faster now, stronger and with better reflexes; harder to kill, and that was something she rather liked.

They both knew that this… situation was short-lived, that they had to find a way out of it, but they chose to postpone it until the cavalry (read: Bonnie, Caroline, Alaric, Jeremy, Tyler and oddly enough, Elijah) had arrived. Which would be soon enough as messages had already been sent out to get them to come to the Boarding House ASAP. So Stefan let them have their fun while they could, all the while thinking about how messed up all of this was. Sure, he had been able to laugh about it earlier… but that was more due to the fact that, for once, his brother had been on the receiving end of someone way stronger than himself, and even more to his amusement about Elena being the stronger one - being a vampire.

He could see, without an inch of a doubt that his brother loved this. Loved the sun, the way he could feel his own heartbeat… god Damon had looked like he was about to keel over as he had made himself a sandwich, knowing that it would be enough to still his hunger - that there wouldn’t be the need to rip some unsuspecting, poor soul apart. And Elena would hate it to be fragile again, in the need to be protected at all times.

But there was no way around it… no way he would allow Damon to keep Elena’s humanity. He felt a little bit guilty that he would rather have Elena human again when it meant that he would have to crush Damon in order to achieve it but… she wouldn’t need him anymore if she stayed like this, and he needed her to need him. It was the only reason she was still with him (he knew that, even if she, herself, didn’t) and he couldn’t lose her. If she ever was to turn, she would grow tired of him… of trying to stay as human as he could. She couldn’t turn, he wouldn’t allow it. She was his humanity. Without her, he would just be another vampire again, and he just didn’t want that to happen.

Sighing he went back inside, leaving the two to their antics. Soon enough, things would hopefully be returned to the way they were supposed to be.


Damon knew his brother had been watching him and Elena for a while. Vampire senses or not, he had always known when Stefan was watching him. But he couldn’t quite bring himself to care right now. He was feeling the sun again, and there was no craving for blood… true, he could feel things that he rather wouldn’t; near crippling guilt over things done in the past and love for Elena right on top of that list, but even that failed to really matter to him. For as long as he had been undead, he had missed being alive. Actually alive, with a heartbeat and the need for air, water and normal nutrients included.

He also knew that he couldn’t stay like this. Right now Elena might enjoy her stint in the fanged club, but she would grow tired of it pretty soon. And when she was human again, he would need to be a vampire, so he could make sure she survived the day when this ancient asshole came to town to search for the Petrova doppelganger. But right now Elena was having fun - speeding around and lifting up things that would normally be way too heavy for her - so he just leant back and did the same.


Elena could still remember the taste of Damon’s blood on her tongue, and even though she felt guilty for hurting him… for very nearly killing him, she also was surprised how much she didn’t care about the fact that she had been drinking blood. And the glass Damon had held under her nose, filled with the bagged stuff… not disgusting at all. Not as good as the fresh, warm blood straight from the source, with the pulse pounding along under her lips, echoing through her head while she drank, but good nonetheless.

Only a few hours ago, she would have turned green if someone would have held a glass filled with blood out for her to drink. But a few hours ago, blood tasted like a strange mix of metal and sugar-water, and nothing else. Now though… now there was so much more. With Damon, there were traces of alcohol and something dark and rich. There was adrenaline and a bit of fear and love. So much love, it nearly had made her dizzy. The bagged blood had been sweeter, no alcohol but something that vaguely tasted like cigars. Not the best taste in the world, but it made do. And it quenched her thirst, thank god.

Now she was outside, testing her body. The sun felt strange… sort of tingling, and her skin felt stretched too tight, like she was on the edge of catching a sunburn. But it didn’t actually hurt, so it was okay. Other than that, she felt fantastic. She could run so fast that everything flew by her, and her reflexes were great, as were her senses. And she was strong.

Of course she knew that there was no way she could stay like this. If Klaus came to town, only to learn that his designated sacrifice had lost her heartbeat - and hence, all her worth for him - he would be furious; just like he had been when Katherine (still Katerina, at the time) had done exactly that. And she would never be able to live with the consequences that this would have. She had long since accepted that she would die sooner rather than later. She would never accept the deaths of her friends or family though. But in the meantime, she could as well enjoy this.


After another few moments of just not caring about what happened, Elena suddenly stopped and cocked her head slightly to the side. She could hear voices from inside the Boarding House, and knew that her little fun-time was nearly over. She went back to where Damon was sitting and sank down beside him.

“The others are here.”

Damon just looked at her out of the corner of his eyes, but otherwise didn’t move.

“That was pretty fast. What the hell did St. Stefan tell them?”

She smirked at that, for some reason glad that Damon was still…. Well, Damon. It would be really unnerving if he would be all… nice and southern Gentleman-ly all of a sudden.

“Don’t know. Don’t really care either. I think he’s acting a little bit bi-polar though. First, he laughs his ass off, and then he’s standing in the shadows, watching us with eagle eyes and a condescending stare. He should really make his mind up about… oh…. Why did I just say that?”

As soon as she realized that she was sounding… not all that fond of Stefan, her eyes had widened and she had stopped. Damon just smirked though, more than a little bit amused. But he had the feeling it wouldn’t be wise to rile her up just now, so he schooled his features and tried to give her an answer that would calm her down again.

“Don’t worry. We both know that you don’t like how he jumps to conclusions on a regular basis. And as you are a vampire, everything you would feel as a human, is heightened. Meaning it bothers you even more than usual. Nothing to worry about, just… tone it down, think before you talk, and everything will be alright. Also, I’m pretty sure they’ll have you back on your normal diet in no time at all.”

With that he stood up, holding his hand out to her to help her do the same. With a last glance at the sun, he turned around and went inside, closely followed by Elena.


As they entered the parlor, they were welcomed by chaos. Nearly everyone was trying to ask questions or get a word in. The only one quiet seemed to be Elijah - who was standing, arms crossed over his chest, in front of the fireplace. As he saw them coming in he lifted an eyebrow at them. Elena just shrugged her shoulders, as if to say ‘it’s not my fault’. He rolled his eyes in return, but shot her a quick, sardonic grin to let her know that he wasn’t angry at her. Elena felt a great weight having been lifted from her shoulders. Elijah’s reaction was the only one she had been really afraid of; knowing she was only worth something (at least, for him and his agenda) alive.

Now that she knew that he wouldn’t flip and… rip out her heart or something, she could worry about her friends. She first tried to clear her throat to get their attention, and when that didn’t help, call them by their names. Still nothing, though; they were too busy wondering how the hell she became a vampire. Listening to the different comments (Bonnie: it was Damon, wasn’t it? I swear, the moment I lay eyes on him I’m going to make his head explode… Tyler: Great, just fantastic. Another fanged one… Caroline: Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!……) it was obvious that Stefan hadn’t had the chance to tell them that, actually, she wasn’t the only one that had undergone some drastic changes here.

Rolling her eyes, she stepped fully inside the room, and let out a shrill whistle, finally shutting her friends up. And before they could start to talk again, asking if it was true…

“Would you all please tone it down? You’re giving me a headache with all the ruckus you’re making.”

To emphasize her words - and to tell them without words that it really was true - she let her eyes turn bloodshot and the veins around them appear - giving them a nice shark-grin for good measure.

Looking around the room, she noticed a few things at once.

First: Caroline looked way too pleased; probably being glad that she wasn’t the only female vampire in the vicinity any more (they wouldn’t count Katherine. She was too much of a bitch to have sleepovers with). She was nearly sorry that she had to disappoint her friend.

Second: Jeremy obviously couldn’t decide if he should be worried (for her wellbeing? His own safety?) or relieved (well, at least there was no chance that anyone would try to make a human sacrifice out of his sister anymore… as she wasn’t, you know, human anymore).

Third: Bonnie just looked plain murderous. And her eyes were fixed on Damon. Not good.

She could see by the way Bonnies eyes were focusing in on him that she intended to do what she had said only moments before. She would use her damn headache-trick on him again. Only this time, the vessels that would explode wouldn’t just heal over within a moment’s notice - he would simply die. So without even a second thought, she rushed in front of Damon; just in time, too, for the next thing she knew, was that there was a really nasty pain in her head, making her fall to her knees and pulling at her hair. She heard an anguished scream somewhere, only realizing that it was her own after she felt it reverberating in her head.

The pain finally stopped after what seemed like an eternity (but in reality really wasn’t even half a minute) as Bonnie found her way out of her magical induced haze and realized that it wasn’t, in fact, Damon on the floor, writhing in pain. As soon as she stopped her spell, she was on her feet and then down on her knees, trying to get to her. Only there was no way past Damon right now. He let out a low growl (vampire or not, he sounded scary right then - also, Bonnie wasn’t aware of the fact that he was a mere mortal now; not yet, at least) and scooped Elena into his arms, carrying her to the couch and carefully laid her down. As he knew from experience that he couldn’t do anything to help her right now, he focused his eyes on Bonnies, giving her a glare that made her take a step back.

“Right. Now listen up Judgy, because I’m only saying this once. It might be a hobby of yours to pin every bad thing that happens on me, but this time it’s actually been your turn to fuck up. You gave her this nice little trinket, and you were the one with the ‘good wishes’. I didn’t kill her, Madam Mim. You screwed up, and now Elena is stuck being a vampire, and I am alive; human. So take your prejudices elsewhere, they aren’t needed right now.”

Bonnie - and everyone else - just stared at him, not quite comprehending what he had just said.

Well, the exception being Elijah, but his comment didn’t really help at all.

“Huh. Now, this is what I call an interesting turn of events.”


Aaaand, done! Well, at least for this chapter^^. So, there we are now… everyone knows what had happened. Now it can really start to get interesting. So, let me know what you think of this chapter, just click on the little button and let me know. Reviews are love, people!

So long,


fear in a handful of dust, vampire diaries, fanfiction, damon/elena

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