Beginning and End

May 17, 2007 11:01

Sooooooo.... I graduated! Yay! It was good fun and I cried a little. It's sad to think that I probably won't see very many of my iB class anymore. I'll miss them. Of course I'm sure I'll still see the Stetson go-ers often enough.

My car's transmission was leaking, but my dad fixed it so I can drive again. That makes me happy beyond words. I still park crappily though. -_-;

I went up to Barberville ayer for an interview thing, even though I already have the job. My interviewer was pleased with all of my answers though, so even if I hadn't already had the job, I would've gotten it. I start training on the 27th. ^^ Excited. Very. Oh, and I got mobile camp which means 1. traveling all over florida, 2. hotel rooms and not cabins, 3. off duty at 4-ish, and not working 24/6, and 4. being paid per diem for food ($16 for dinner, which is really the only meal that I'll be paid for since breafast equals continental breakfast at the hotel and lunch is usually provided too. But if I eat cheap, that's extra money in my pocket. ^^). Excited. (!!!!)

Anthony gave me Brick for graduation and i watched it yesterday. It was the most amazing thing that i'v ever seen. I adored it. Definately a favorite movie. Watch it.
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