Apr 22, 2007 10:41
Yesterday was ASPD (Accepted Student Preview Day) at Stetson. I got my Stetson ID, my room assignment (I'm in Nemec!), the stickers for my ID so I can use the gym, and a tennative schedule. I also turned in my meal plan form. I'm getting 15 meals a week. I'm so excited. As of right now I'm taking Intro to Sociology, Analytical Reseach and writing, the 1st year business course, and precalc. But, hopefully what I'll be taking next year will actually be the third level of German, intro to Sociology, 1st year business, and precalc. I was hoping to get micro- or macroecconomics my first semester so I can take the other ecconomics course in the second semester and be done with them, but I don't really want two math based courses in one semester if I can avoid it. Which, of course, I won't be able to eventually, but 1st semester freshman year I think I'll try really hard. The only bad thing obout living in Nemec is that is the the furthest away from everything. You can't be farther away unless you're living in the apartments. Lindsay is living in Conrad, which as the biggest rooms on campus, I'm pretty sure. Melissa is living in Chaudoin and it has a gorgeous lobyy area. Still, I have a sink and they don't. ^^ I really think I'm going to like living in Nemec. I love the whole pod thing, and I guess it really does foster community when 15 people live in a pod and they have their own little common room, because that was the only dorm that we went into that people were sitting in the common room and hanging out. There was at least eight people in there so I'm thinking I'll make so m good friends. Plus, my next door neighbor is into broadway and musicals. How cool is that? I wish I knew who my room mate was though. That'd be nice. Anyway, I'm very excited, but I've got to get back to my hw. Ta!