For those who are interested...
here's one response to the whole Fail thing, including Amazon's official comments, and some additional questions.
Apparently, it was all the fault of the French. Those of us in Canada are completely familiar with this concept. *g*
Nice to find out that it was apparently an error due to the actions of a single employee (and who's taking bets on his/her job security??!?), but...
Amazon is still (as I understand it) engaging in a form of censorship - even if this was not some misguided attack on the gay and lesbian community and the affected titles were never intended to be classified as 'adult' - obviously some titles are. While I completely agree that little Suzy shouldn't be getting porn with her winnie-the-pooh, surely there is a way to filter for age without messing with a particular title's sales figures in order to strip them from search results?