Have been to Massachusetts east and west, and met internet friends older and newer, and it was fantastic. Did not manage to read LJ/DW at all while away, and probably won't catch up now, so any ignoring of newses is completely unintentional.
This is definitely the fast and dirty way to do this, but I will attempt to clean up later: I need to know how friends who have helped in any way with The History Book would like to be acknowledged. There'll be a section in the acknowledgement for those on LJ who helped with suggestions of texts for us to look at, discussion about those we were already looking at, etc.
steepholm and I will go back through our posts and make a list of everyone who did so, and write asking about name preference, but that might not happen until after the book has been sent off. If you want your username rather than your "real name", let me know in comment or PM. Er, if I know your real name, of course, otherwise default will obviously be username.
*(Just the ramblings of a Fire and Hemlock fanatic.)