Jun 04, 2011 16:06
... or perhaps the not so great anything.
It's probably pretty clear by now that this book was not my cup of tea. There was no more fat-bashing, after that first chapter, but that might have been because we were in the company of figures of lofty birth (although they themselves often don't know it), elves, priestesses of the Order -- y'know, nobody who'd be fat.
We also seemed to be in the presence of Tolkien, with intermittent visits from Lloyd Alexander and George Lucas (in his Star Wars guise), but, shockingly, this book wasn't done anything near as well as they did their respective bits. The poetry! The Dark Lord! Stupid Elli shaking her stupid curls all the time!
I really wish I hadn't wasted so much of my Challenge time on this, but there's still plenty left, happily.
that was then,
48 hour book challenge,
history project