
Aug 29, 2015 16:01

Nothing like a good Facebook meme to point out sore spots in your emotions. So there's this Facebook quiz that analyzes your Facebook account and friends list and tells you who the angel and devils are sitting on your shoulder. Amanda got me/angel, and David/devil (Revarend Oni). And really it makes since with oni and how he fits in to her life and how he is now. But I am who I am now as much due to circumstances as because of any real personality quirk, and it irritates me that everyone seems to think I'm this really nice pushover type of person. Oh she's nice. She sweet. She's loyal. She'll do anything for a friend. She takes care of people. Etc. it bugs me that I care and part of why I care is because I don't want to have to leave my friends behind because they can't fucking keep up on a maturity, emotional, spiritual level. It always leaves out that I'm a ruthless fighter. That I would kill someone given cause. It leaves out my mysinthropy.

I can say almost anything I want at almost any time. People don't listen to me so they don't get to hear the funny and wrong things I say.

Just because something works for someone else doesn't mean that it will work for you.

I must remember, just because it's time to eat and there is delicious food does not mean I have to eat if I'm not really hungry. I must take the time to determine if I am really hungry.

I had a great day hanging out and shopping with Brian. We went to Harbor Frieght for some tools and supplies he will need to work on his truck and casters for my cart. Then we were going to get a cheese steak at the food carts but they were not open so we went two carts over for a delicious burger. I ordered a Cowgirl Up. I'll have to remember to only get a single next time, but my gods was it delicious, even though I was unable to finish. We did some grocery shopping at Winco.

When we got home and after groceries were put away I started the thawed chicken in the slowcooker. I stuffed it with sundries tomatoes, put it on a bed on onions and seasoned it with Old World Spice from Penzeeys.

I went to game night at Kat and Taylor's house, and we played Game of Thrones with Erik. Erik started to give off grumpy to be losing energy which I tried to ease. Taylor one, he often does in game of tactics. Damon is the same way.

I came home to some wonderful food. I smelled it coming from the house as I pulled in to the driveway. Sadly Brian could smell it because he had been exposed to it while it cooks. I fed Derwin and myself. Now my stomach feels too full, so I guess it's a really good thing it tasted good. Tomorrow I'm making pork and kraut. Yum! 
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