I have officially laid aside my business. This, at least ad it has been, is not my path and I have put more than enough energy and time into it to know. I recived council from both Taylor and Amanda on this in the last eight mints and have made up my mind
What this means is I have the time and energy to put towards the things that matter to me instead of what I "Think" I should be doing to "Get ahead". I am reading more and since the only projects I have are for myself or gifts I want to give I am not pressuring myself to favor one over the other.
This will also free up monies for me to follow my desires for learning or social participation. I want to get back to my yoga class but also have a daily yoga and tai chi chaun practice. I want to take a few classes; archery, lampworking, welding, fiber spinning, possibly fire dancing. I'm looking into either buying of creating my own portable labyrinth. The small trinity labyrinth I found and like is one thousand dollars though so buying one will probably have to wait.
http://www.yarniapdx.com/http://www.northwestwools.com/classes.html#spinninghttp://www.paxworks.com/products/trinity.html Something I have thought a great deal about over the years is, "what do I want to do with my life?" I came across a new title/profession the other day while reading "way of the winding path", 'labyrinth facilitator'. This appealed to me a great deal and I am looking into it. I have found certification courses, two really, and they look interesting even if I never go in to leading others. But I like the idea of sharing my knowledge with others in the long-run.
I want to go to some of the conventions and fairs that have caught my eye over the years. Pantheacon, NorWesCon, Faireworlds, Pacific fire gathering, Shabaricon, portland juggling festival, the county fair and explanations. As well as getting back to old favorites. All's fair, OryCon, pagan fair, pagan pride day, Saturday market.
http://pacificfiregathering.com/http://www.portlandjugglers.org/http://www.shibaricon.com/ Light & Shadows,