Fine, I have a type. Also, icon meme!

Oct 23, 2008 00:16

alphabet26 did this meme:

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

: I love this icon. Harry Potter and Star Wars collide--I generally use it for embarrassing moments. (And isn't it perfect?)

: I do love this one--the original Teen Titans, when they were happy and cute. (Also, I made it and I'm really happy with how it turns out.)

: Oh, Claire and Zach!!! I ADORE THEM. I miss Zach a lot--I did wind up liking West, but Zach was awesome. When his memories of being friends with Claire were wiped, I was heartbroken for her. It's up there with Sandra Bennet forgetting Mr. Muggles in terms of traumatizing moments for season one for me.

: Um. Well. I use the term "awesomesauce" entirely too much, for which I think I can blame Katt, and everything is funnier if you throw in the "in Soviet Russia" thiing--plus, it's Colossus. Piotr would appreciate it.

: Oh, my teaching icon. ;) Kindergarten Cop for the win! And I cannot even express how many times last spring I wanted to say that. (We did wind up having a Very Strict Bathroom Policy, complete with signing in and out, one student at a time, blah blah blah. It was, however, the only reason my class was not included in the mass interrogation after vandalism in the girls' room. Because we were all surprised that none of my kids did it, but no one had signed out.) Anyway--is awesome.

And later, regarding Pushing Daisies:

LadySarai55: It is not my new fandom!!! I am just watching it!
xenokattz: That's what they all say at first. Next thing you know, you're planting daisies
LadySarai55: I kill plants.
LadySarai55: I have a black thumb.
LadySarai55: It would be horrifying!
xenokattz: And your image of a perfect husband becomes lobersterman!Robin who gardens on his days off
LadySarai55: .....
LadySarai55: okay, sorry, I got distracted before I saw the gardening part.
xenokattz: LMAO
LadySarai55: you can't just spring lobsterman!Robin on me and expect coherence!
LadySarai55: don't you know me at all?!
LadySarai55: (also--is farming considered gardening?)

icons, meme, im

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