Oh, the joys of feeling like crap

Dec 21, 2007 23:31

No part 9 tonight. I just don't have it in me to think about the coding and posting, and zoe_chan is away for the weekend.

I'm going to go collapse into bed. Before midnight. Is everyone else shocked?

I got sick after dinner last night and was really miserable, but by the time I went to sleep I felt--comparatively--much better. Today I've felt lousy and really just rotten, but we had Christmas shopping and errands to run, so I was a brave soldier and went along and didn't complain (which earned me major points and sympathy, you know), although I did fall asleep in the car--driving from Target to the mall (which is, you know, 5 minutes. 15 in holiday traffic). We met my brother for dinner at a restaurant, and I got chicken tenders--and only ate one of them (out of five). =P

We got home (after leaving the house at 10 am) around 7 pm and I collapsed into bed for a 2 hour nap, then tried to watch a movie with Mom--but slept on the couch through it.

Then I came upstairs, checked my email, wrote this post and am going to bed. Good lord.

BUT--KATT!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! ::throws confetti:: You finished, yay!

Now, to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better. (OMG I braved holiday shopping with a stomach bug. O_o Gah!)

Leave me nice things to wake up to?
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