Icon meme, yay!

Jun 07, 2007 21:54

Oh, I am so braindead. I taught all day and went straight from school to an interview and gah. My brain.

Got another one tomorrow morning, too, and that means the kids have a sub and oh, not necessarily looking forward to what I'll find.

I think I'll play with the icon meme everyone and their uncle is playing!!

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than ten, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

Totally cheating and going with every 5th even if I do have 70 uploaded. ;)

RENT friends I love RENT, in an adoring and total way. It's been part of my life since junior high, and the trifecta of Mark, Roger and Collins makes me happy in a warm and fuzzy way. If I redid this icon, I'd make it less yellow but I still love it. That scene in the movie gives me warm fuzzies.

Trout! Oh, Grey's Anatomy! I hate Derek during this storyline, but I love Addison and her look of "what the...?!" Seriously, a trout! It's my "completely random" icon for times when nothing but a "TROUT!" icon will do.

Hufflepuff does not equal pushover because it DOESN'T. I love this icon. It is my squishy. I made it and I really love how it turned out. And it's TRUE. Don't underestimate the badgers, seriously.

Yummy Sawyer. I think that says it all. I made this for scribophile, I think to cheer her up. It cheered *me* up, anyway. ;)

For the Birds O_O I love this, really--"For the Birds" is an awesome cartoon, and I really do love the story, but I had wanted a properly shocked looking icon for awhile and this? Is beyond perfect. The absolute image of my face whenever I use "O_O".

They took my boot! Oh, Tarzan--or rather, oh Jane. Possibly my favorite Disney movie, and possibly my favorite scene. I can quote most of this movie, but this? Is so one of my favorite moments. I went supersonic on finding this icon, really. It's my feeling silly icon, as well as my indignant icon.

Daddy's Girl Because Lian so *is* and as she should be. Roy's an awesome daddy. Also, the icon responsible for dragging xenokattz into DC. Bwahaha! The power of cute compels you! ::adores Lian and Roy::

Never Let You Go Oh, Narnia. Oh, Pevensies. Particularly, oh PETER, you overprotective big brother, you! I love Narnia for many reasons, particularly the Pevensies and their siblingness, and I adore this moment.

Trans-Siberian Orchestra. GAH. I've loved their music for FOREVER and they came to Maine in 2004 and I couldn't go, so when they came back in 2005 I was DESPERATE to see them and nobody seemed interested, but aradiachiba came with me and EGADS. SEX, ladies. SEX on stage. Two words: Electric. Violin.

Aradia and I may have spontaneously combusted a LOT. So totally going again every year forever and ever amen. ;) Guh. Their music is awesome, but the show? WOW. With the lights and the flames and the fog and the lasers and the GLOWING ELECTRIC VIOLINS and the electric guitars and eeeeeee.... I am in a happy place.

Dick doesn't brood (except when he does) I love the art, and my keywords for this make me grin every time. I think I'm clever. And oh, Dick.

Plot bunnies! Oh no! I was in desperate need for a plot bunny icon. These are deceptively cute bunnies.

Kon feels so pregnable. Oh, KON. This is an example of why I love Superboy so much. Batgirl karate-chops him and he feels pregnable. ::loves:: This icon makes me *smile*.

Kon sees his soul Not my most original keywords, but true. I love TT 26 so very much, and the artwork is part of it. I love this icon. I had this panel as my desktop for awhile, too. It's just gorgeous, and did I mention how much I love Kon? Cause I do.

Tim/Kon arm touching Tim/Kon is SO my new favorite OTP for anything ever. Seriously. I love these boys like crazy. I don't know if this is a scan or a manip, but I don't even care--I like the cropping, and the image. I love the understatedness, and it makes me smile. Oh, boys. I do love this icon.

Alex smirk Season 3 of Grey's made me fall in love with ALEX KAREV of all characters, which will possibly redeem it for me. But he's so very fun to look at, and I now adore him, so this icon makes me smile. His little smirk is so awesome. I needed a smirking icon and this totally fit.

Tim/Kon ::tackleglomp!:: zoe_chan made this one and I adore it, because you just KNOW Kon would take flying tackles at Tim with the intention of hugging him silly. =D Oh, my boys--this pairing makes me grin.

Also, pardon me, but the teacher I subbed for this fall lost the profile sheets for the first three math units--sheets which I filled out. This makes it my job to find them and know where they are... why? And it's my job to talk to the principal and see if she has them... why? I put them in the desk, with all the others! I did not lose them. It is not my class any more. Leave me alone.

Ahem. Sorry.

And a bonus:

Vikings discovered America, which I gather is a quote from a Buffy episode although I don't remember it as such. It's more that I saw this, flailed massively and needed it. Because, being half Norwegian, I've always grumbled about Columbus Day. Columbus did not discover America, he made a mistake and got lucky. LEIF ERIKSON, anyone?

Pardon my rant. ;) This icon makes me happy.

And I feel it's worth noting that I'm using my very favoritest Bart icon for this post. Oh, BART. (And I sometimes think that I can kill people with MY brain, as well.)

icons, meme

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