Teaching again! Also, posted a fic. And other assorted things.

May 29, 2007 21:28

So, back to teaching! For the last 15 14 (now) days of school. And the last day is a half-day, and we have an early release--although not for teachers--June 6th. Also, was informed in my "thanks for taking over" letter that *I* am responsible for getting the room ready for summer.

This seems unfair, somehow. ;) But it might get me out of the "team building" day of camp training. >_< Which I've done 4 times before this year. Heh.

But I'm teaching 5th grade, and boy, those kids are PUSHING it to see what they can get away with. Kiddos, when I say "no talking" I don't mean "no talking except for YOU." There's gonna be some serious smackdown, but really? All I want is to get the assessments done and cover the material she's left me. I only have 8 days left to do that, because the last 5 days are "Arts Week" and the very last day is an assembly, essentially. And the assessments must be administered by Thursday. Of this week. Heh, poor kids get grammar assessments and a social studies assessment over a subject they had never heard of. AWESOME.

Found out John got that 4th grade job, which I can live with. Except for how I'm still sad. But one of the other teachers thinks there'll be a 6th grade opening before next fall, so I have hope. Springs eternal, right?

I somehow think that the 5th grade job I interviewed for last week isn't happening, as he said we'd hear by Friday and it's Tuesday and nada. Seriously, a phone call wouldn't HURT. Even to say "thanks but no thanks." Argh.

I have to go read over that assessment I give tomorrow and make groups. And grade the social studies papers I had them do today. Back to a human sleeping schedule, too, which sucks. But I wore myself out enough to fall asleep at a reasonable hour yesterday, so woot!

Also, we are getting the house ready to sell. This is crazy-making.

In other, completely unrelated news, zoe_chan and I wrote fic! We posted it, even, despite massive flailage and hiding behind furniture. Because despite our efforts at writing schmoopy porn, it turned into schmoop with a side of porn. ;) We are incapable of PWPs, which is why the thing is massive and 6000 words. HA. >_<

Also, posting over Memorial Day weekend is a way to make yourself feel better about posting porn--because everyone is out and about and not home reading fic! Wee!

That being said, go check it out: As a Constellation, Tim/Kon, adult.

Never let it be said that I am not shameless and a fool for feedback. ;)

I just noticed that in my icon keywords, "Kon" shows up 11 times, and I have 1 labeled "Superboy," which brings it to 12 Kon icons. And 6 of those also have "Tim" as part of the keyword--he only appears in 5 of them, though. And I'm still looking for the PERFECT Tim/Kon icon. I just don't know precisely what I'm looking for.

I think it's safe to call them my favoritest OTP. I need more Tim icons, though. Because Tim is ♥. *uses Timmy icon* (It's just that Kon lives in my brain. Tim lives in zoe_chan's.)

tim/kon, teaching

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