Back in Panera for another 20 minutes here.
Some things I've learned without my internet: I go to bed much earlier when there is nothing to do. I apparently can't write without distracting myself, EVEN when there is no internet to be distracted with.
Old Orchard Beach is OPEN, at least the food places we like best. YAYNESS AND GLEE. And Mom and I are going to a movie, and my brother might ACTUALLY join us (have no idea when this last happened.)
Also, I hate jazz music. Have I mentioned this before? Oh, Panera, you try to kill my braincells.
5 Times Dick Almost Failed a Class for
1. There was that brief time he was in college when he thought taking creative writing was a better choice than interpretive dance for his Fine Art elective.
He was wrong.
Donna's got an impressive imagination, and a MEAN red pen, and really is the only reason he didn't fail that class. Dick sometimes thinks that if he had pouted a little more, she might have actually given in and written his final story for him, but then he remembers how hard she hit him when he suggested it and decides it's just a good thing he quit while he was ahead.
2. The final project for his senior english class was a research paper on Jane Austin, but being the procrastinator that he was, Dick put it off. Then there was the invasion of mutant shrimp, and as Robin he couldn't just let the Titans handle that on their own while he read Emma, could he?
Somehow his english teacher wasn't all that sympathetic.
3. Sometimes Dick thought his gym teacher hated him because he was a better acrobat than her. It's the only reason he could think of for the D he got. Well, that and his accumulated absenses. But it wasn't his fault he wound up in first period gym. How was he supposed to make it to class when he'd been up all night bringing in the Joker?
4. There was that time, in junior high, when they were learning about chemical reactions and... yeah, totally not his fault he missed class the day they went over what "caustic" meant, and how did HE know the teacher would be standing right next to him?
5. Dick watched The Great Gatsby instead of reading it, because everytime he started it, something happened and then there were the alien cows and the demon bunnies from an alternate dimension, and... yeah, apparently CliffNotes aren't all that helpful.
Okay, now I have to leave, but that was fun.
Anyonw want to write some "5 things" for me, involving Kon? ;) You'd make my exile enjoyable.