So, first, a hello to my new friends! =D Hi! I'm really *very* blown away by the responses I've gotten to
The Smell of Smoke and it means a lot to me. Thank you!!
xenokattz has a bit of a habit of
breaking my LJ. (I'm sure it's happened more than the times I've caught and tagged it, though. Hmm. Although by now we've also broke *her* LJ a time or two.) So, yesterday, Katt and I broke BOTH my LJ AND hers. I think this deserves a reward.
To quickly recap, there is a bar/pub where movieverse!Clark Kent, Richard White and Bruce Wayne went for drinks. Wherein
Elemental!Remy Lebeau was the bartender. And eventually the *rest* of the Summers brothers wound up involved, along with various other Marvel and DC comicverse characters, including Roy. And there is much snark and flirting. And eventually we're going to have to clean this up and put it somewhere where people can read it, or where WE can read it, anyway.
We moved to IM. O_O Recorded here for posterity and our amusement. And hopefully yours:
xenokattz: YAY! tonight is the night No More LJs Will DIE *waves flag*
Lady_Sarai: ...except that it's fun to kill them sometimes, so I'm sure that won't stop COMPLETELY.
xenokattz: Then this is the night Fewer LJs Will DIE!!
xenokattz: *L* The internets WANTS broken LJs because it loves rum
Lady_Sarai: can we break an LJ from here?
xenokattz: There must be a death ray of some sort. No benevolent dictor of worth lacks death rays.
xenokattz: I've been trying to think of ways to link the broken LJ content from my website. Maybe as a series or something 'cause they're just SO MUCH FUN.
Lady_Sarai: They REALLY are.
Lady_Sarai: They deserve to be recorded for posterity.
xenokattz: I'm sure it's not just us, right? I mean, other people find them amusing, right?
Lady_Sarai: They WOULD, I'm CERTAIN.
Lady_Sarai: We break Richard's spirit!
Lady_Sarai: wait, that's not meant to be entertaining, is it?
xenokattz: I'm sure Lois finds it VERY entertaining.
Lady_Sarai: Well, clearly. Why do you think she continues to let Richard and Clark *go* to that bar?
xenokattz: Clearly, all the female SOs are in the bar with us watching this all happen and drinking a bunch of very girly drinks with umbrellas.
Lady_Sarai: Strawberry flavored!
xenokattz: And edible orchids!
Lady_Sarai: and doing NOTHING to stop it, because it's like watching porn but better.
xenokattz: MUCH better because everyone is still giftwrapped!
xenokattz: Poor Jean. She's still trying to figure out a way to convince Scott to take time off with his dirnking buddy, Remy.
Lady_Sarai: Really, Jean needs to call Lois and they need to figure out a way to get Scott to join the fun.
Lady_Sarai: (although would it cause a time/space implosion if Richard and Scott were in the same room at the same time?)
xenokattz: It would certain cause a Katt & Sara implosion and quite possibly a Lois & Jean supernova
xenokattz: Scott's positive that anything that makes Remy that happy has got to be illegal
Lady_Sarai: Well. He's probably right.
xenokattz: Of course he's right.
Lady_Sarai: I say we have someone kidnap Scott and drag him to the bar.
xenokattz: Maybe if Jean tells him he can wear his leather jacket of bad assness again.
Lady_Sarai: Oh, that might do it.
Lady_Sarai: The guys always get together on Fridays.
Lady_Sarai: I just decided this.
xenokattz: Because even villains don't work on Fridays.
Lady_Sarai: True!
Lady_Sarai: The villains are in their OWN bar-of-physics-defiance
Lady_Sarai: Which, you know, is also a very cracktastic thought.
xenokattz: I'm not sure I know who the villains are any more. The Bar of Physics Defiance probably only serves milk and juice and they talk about the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy.
xenokattz: After all, if the pub is where the heroes go to be slightly immoral, then the pub must be where the villains go to be slightly moral.
Lady_Sarai: Good lord, it's true!
Lady_Sarai: Except that Grey's Anatomy can be quite racy.
xenokattz: Hmmm. Lost?
xenokattz: Kim Possible?
Lady_Sarai: RON!!!!!
xenokattz: OMG RON at the bar!
xenokattz: Ron totally owns the bar.
Lady_Sarai: oh, dear god, he DOES.
Lady_Sarai: He is the owner of the bar-that-never-blows-up.
Lady_Sarai: This makes me happy in a scary way.
Lady_Sarai: AND RUFUS!
xenokattz: RUFUS!!!
Lady_Sarai: RUFUS is the BARTENDER!
xenokattz: I thought Remy was the bartender. Rufus can be the bouncer.
Lady_Sarai: Oh, that's right, Remy's the bartender.
Lady_Sarai: My bad! He just does so much flirting--uh, arguing--with Bruce that I forgot.
xenokattz: I'm determined to believe that Remy flirting with Jake/The Courier in female form is TOTALLY an example of GAmbit's canonical bisexuality.
Lady_Sarai: It is CANON, I tell you.
xenokattz: Besides, who can look at Remy and NOT want him?
Lady_Sarai: Which makes total sense for Remy and Richard's first meeting to have been a drunken sexual encounter in, uh... where was it again, boys?
xenokattz: It was Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Richard thought he was being hard core for partying on Bourbon Street and Remy took advantage of his naivte.
xenokattz: and also took his wallet
xenokattz: And his car
Lady_Sarai: Ahhh, Remy WOULD do that.
Lady_Sarai: I don't know how, but we broke my iTunes. We break things even in IM!!
xenokattz: The POWER of our awesome is making me a little drunk
xenokattz: our awesomeness
Lady_Sarai: drunk on awesomesauce?
xenokattz: Dude, we've officially fermented the awesomesauce and made awesomewine.
Lady_Sarai: Minions will bow before us.
xenokattz: We should look into the Evil Overlord list. We wouldn't want to mess up.
Lady_Sarai: (if I post this conversation in LJ, I am STILL tagging it "xenokattz broke my lj" because dammit, why not.)
xenokattz: Not that our minions would be unhappy. We've got the entire heterosexual female population on our side in any case.
Lady_Sarai: This is true.
xenokattz: And perhaps a great portion of the homosexual male population too
xenokattz: We're going to need a bigger country.
xenokattz: I offer my province.
Lady_Sarai: well, New Krypton didn't pan out for Luthor so we won't make his mistake.
Lady_Sarai: Dude, combine our countries and I'm SURE we can take Mexico with us.
Lady_Sarai: Remy IS that sexy.
xenokattz: YES
xenokattz: Mexico will bow before Remy's outstanding Rhumba skillz yo
Lady_Sarai: DUDE sorry my brain shorted out at the image of Remy doing the rhumba.
Lady_Sarai: bwaguh.
xenokattz: Oh, I'm sorry. I mustn't have posted that chapter of Elementals yet.
Lady_Sarai: wait, I remember him teaching Rogue to dance and I short-circuited from teh hot.
xenokattz: Yeah, I haven't posted the other dance chapter yet.
Lady_Sarai: Pardon me. I must do my dance of SQUEEEE!
xenokattz: The last chapter of part III is specifically designed to make everyone's heads blow off.
Lady_Sarai: ...that? is an interesting double entendre.
xenokattz: *LMAO*
Lady_Sarai: the only coherent thing i have to say to that is something like "shamana"
xenokattz: Maybe that's Richard's codename
Lady_Sarai: which.... makes the other men snerk.
Lady_Sarai: but it is SO his codename and the women all get it.
xenokattz: IT IS
xenokattz: And all the women agree
Lady_Sarai: Remy: Shamana? Seriously?
Lady_Sarai: Richard just smiles knowingly into his bottomless glass of liquor.
xenokattz: Scott: That's worse that Adam's chosen nickname
Lady_Sarai: Adam: HEY!
xenokattz: Alex: Dude, you spelled X-treme with an X!
Lady_Sarai: Adam: YOU spelled Havok with a K!
Lady_Sarai: Scott: Clearly I should have checked your spelling homework more carefully.
xenokattz: Remy: Clearly, no homework check can sure those two of loserdom. I mean "havok?" "X-treme"? Can we spell "over-compensation" too?
Lady_Sarai: Clark: O-v-e-r...
Lady_Sarai: Richard: *smacks him* Not LITERALLY.
xenokattz: Clark: Well, Lois always needs help
Lady_Sarai: Richard: ...well, that's true enough.
xenokattz: Roy: So this is what the big kids do on Fridays? Sit around flirting with each other through a thin veil of snark?
xenokattz: Ron (from the kitchen): You should see what they do on Saturdays.
Lady_Sarai: Roy: I don't think I want to know.
xenokattz: Roy: *nervously looking at Cable. turns to Scott* okay, tell me exactly what you did so I can NOT do it.
Lady_Sarai: Scott: Well, his mother isn't an internationally known assassin who nuked a country.
Lady_Sarai: Roy: Ow. Low blow.
xenokattz: Remy: *pets roy's head* Don't mind him. He's always cranky before Jean gives him his nightly BJ
xenokattz: Cable: *covers his ears* LalalaLALALALA and flonq you, LeBeau
Lady_Sarai: Roy: *turns to Clark* Is it always like this?
xenokattz: Clark: This is a good night. There aren't any explosives. Yet.
xenokattz: Bruce: *hides his utility belt*
Lady_Sarai: Ron: Hey! No explosives in the bar! Do you know how expensive it was to repaint the discoball?
xenokattz: Rufus: *scurries up to take the utility belt and locks it in a locker*
Lady_Sarai: Dude, the fact that Rufus can take Batman's utility belt makes him the most powerful person in the room.
Lady_Sarai: and *Superman* is there.
xenokattz: Bruce: Shut up. It's not fair to beat on a naked mole rat. Even I know that.
Lady_Sarai: Clark: The naked mole rat *is* particularly smart.
Lady_Sarai: Remy mutters something about the average naked mole rat being smarter than the average Kryptonian.
xenokattz: Roy: *wide eyed* I think I'm in love
xenokattz: Cable: More coffee in my whiskey. Now.
If you read and followed that and are amused, I salute you. If you aren't amused... do you like nutella?
And Katt--the LJ-breakage offers a buffer of time that IM does not, which could prove dangerous in future interactions. Well, dangerous to Richard.
I was going to try and not spam my LJ today, which so far has worked well. No promises for this evening, however. My brain is operating on shuffle-mode, as
aradiachiba discovered this morning:
Lady_Sarai: it's astonishing, my memory for the fact that you're a year younger than me.
aradiachiba: Truly astounding!
Lady_Sarai: I know, the powers of my mind ASTOUND me sometimes.
aradiachiba: ::giggles::
Lady_Sarai: Seriously, I bow before my OWN brilliance.
Lady_Sarai: Also, wicked modest, yo.
aradiachiba: wow, a little egotistical today, are we?
Lady_Sarai: Perhaps.
Lady_Sarai: Perhaps a bit GIDDY.
Lady_Sarai: O_o is this a sign of the apocalypse?
Lady_Sarai: I need to ready my bunker.
Lady_Sarai: quick, where's the duct tape?
Lady_Sarai: we can make one!
Lady_Sarai: with toothpicks!
Lady_Sarai: except I have no toothpicks.
Lady_Sarai: so we're screwed?
aradiachiba: maybe just a little...
Lady_Sarai: damn.
Lady_Sarai: um. blanket fort?
aradiachiba: That we can do
aradiachiba: with pillows
Lady_Sarai: Wee!
aradiachiba: I have lots of pillows
Lady_Sarai: The pillows are key.
Lady_Sarai: they will Save Us All.
Lady_Sarai: Pillow Power!
Lady_Sarai: oo, like Punky Power.
aradiachiba: Punky Power?
Lady_Sarai: (note to self: do not give me coffee. EVER.)
Lady_Sarai: ...Punky Brewster?
Lady_Sarai: who used to shout "Punky Power!!"
aradiachiba: Coffee. That explains a lot...
Lady_Sarai: hey. I think I'm insulted.
aradiachiba: I want coffee
aradiachiba: brb
Lady_Sarai: ::sigh:: abandoned for the coffee.
In other news, I'm still loving my pretty, pretty music. :) Not sure about the new layout, but there are *penguins* so...
Also, I'm in that really fun new-fandom phase where everywhere I go, there is something to read. And I'd like to read as much as I can, but--you all are prolific!! (This is a *good* thing.)
So, a minor request to my new friends: Would you mind reccing a few of your own fics to me? Because I want to read them, but I'd like a starting-point, and who better to ask? :)
ETA:D'oh! LJ cuts should work now. Shoot.