Title: The Smell of Smoke
lady_saraiFandom/Continuity: DCU, Teen Titans v.1
Length: ~1,900 words
Characters: Roy Harper, Dick Grayson; cameos by Donna, Wally and Garth
Warnings: Potentially disturbing references to dead bodies
Disclaimer: I so own nothing.
Author's Note: Thanks to
zoe_chan for letting me flail and corrupt her share the Roy love,
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Never mind that there is no canonical mention of his mother, his father died in a forest fire when he was 2, he was raised by a Navajo medicine man until he was 12 or 13, then he was taken in by Green Arrow (aka Oliver Queen, billionaire) and became "Speedy." Except Ollie's kind of negligent and Speedy was a member of the Teen Titans but they broke up and Ollie was gone more than he was there and so Roy got addicted to heroin and when Ollie found he kicked him out and then Roy wound up kicking the habit, and he was a drummer in a band called "Great Frog" and he worked for the government for a while which is how met Lian's mom and guh. ::flail:: Seriously. zoe_chan hasn't heard anything but RoyRoyROY from me for two weeks now. =P I have a few really good Roy fic recs here.
Canonically, he's roughly 25.
Okay, he's TOTALLY invited to The Pub That somehow Never Burns Down.
Any particular issues/trades you want to suggest? Y'know, just in case that one post at scans_daily didn't quite fill me up?
Dude, he's got the snark, too. He and Remy would have AT it.
I'm totally new to the Roy love myself, but I've checked out just about everything tagged "Roy Harper" or "Arsenal" at scans_daily--everything tagged for Lian, too, btw. And there's arrows_daily which is similar but themed for the Green Arrow family and I'm not sure if it's there or scans_daily that has it, but one of them has the famous Roy's-a-junkie storyline from the 1970s. And I'm pretty sure it's scans that has the story where Dick and Roy go to get Lian from her mother when she's a redhaired baby--because what with the ASIAN mother it's gotta be obvious who her father is? I bought the trade Green Arrow: The Archer's Quest this week and OMG I LOVE IT--wherein Ollie is back from the dead and he and Roy go on a roadtrip to get his prized possessions. Also, I spent a lot of time at wikipedia. =P Oh, and I have Nightwing 114 but it kind of hurts because Dick and Roy are best friends and Dick's a pretty big ass. =P Also, this is hysterical--Roy's costume changes through the years. HA. And oh, I *love* this, wherein the original Teen Titans get stranded on an island and are trapped in a dreamworld where they are 13 and Roy accidentally saves the day.
When I have money, I am SO spending money at my comic store.
One day, I will learn figure out what the heck is wrong with my internet connection and I will download torrents and this stuff because superheroes on crack = love.
I think Clark just sprouted a headache.
Dude, torrents confuse the hell out of me and one day I will also figure them out, but it will not be today. =P Cause I tried that last week and got a headache.
It's saying something if Clark has a headache. What'd Remy do now?
I was torrenting like mad a month ago and then al of a sudden, it says my connection doesn't work but that doesn't make sense 'cause I'm surfing & chatting and all so WTF?
I really need to add a "hee!" to this icon, because that's so what Roy's saying.
Oh, ROY!
Poor Bruce.
Poor, poor, POOR Clark.
It's never a good sign when he's under the table.
*throws a bottle of Stoli under the table*
Which isn't a problem if the boys are old enough to be in The Bar That Doesn't Blow Up. ;)
I keep wanting to stick Jason and Batman-Beginsmovieverse!Dick together in a room and see what happens. Except for how I don't know what would happen. ;)
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