All is right with my world.

Aug 20, 2006 02:05

xenokattz is my hero. xenokattz is the bestest EVER!

xenokattz wrote me Salazar/Helga comment fic!!!!


And it's glorious and wondrous and there are daisies and Salazar is PERFECT. Oh, am in awe.

::happy sigh::


In other news, thanks again to xenokattz and continuous talk of Timeline, I watched it tonight. I am geek. I ♥ this movie. Gerard Butler? Should just talk, all the time. Stand there, smile, and talk. Oh, and geek out about history. I absolutely adore that.

And, in other news, decided to Wikipedia something that's been bothering me plotwise for my Founders epics fic. I'm so excited now. It will work.

So, Wikipedia says this:

Divorce existed in antiquity, dating at least back to ancient Mesopotamia. The ancient Athenians liberally allowed divorce, but the person requesting divorce had to submit the request to a magistrate and the magistrate could determine if the reasons given were insufficient. Although liberally granted in ancient Athens, divorce was rare in early Roman culture. As the Roman Empire grew in power and authority, however, Roman civil law embraced the maxim, “matrimonia debent esse libera” ("marriages ought be free") and either husband or wife could renounce the marriage at will. This unlimited freedom to divorce continued in western society until the ninth or tenth century of the Christian era, when it was greatly curtailed by the influence of the Christian church.

Wizarding culture roughly 1000 years ago totally and completely follows Roman civil law more than Catholic doctrine when it comes to marriage (or rather, divorce). This is what I wanted to justify to myself and I have and now I am pleased.


And! Finally!

I've been tagged by three_nails!

Six Random Facts About Myself

1.) As if anyone doesn't know this, I obsess. I get an idea or am introduced to something that catches my attention and the next thing you know, I've got nothing else to talk about.

A perfect example? "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance." ....

I really have no defense for this. Tonight's obsession is Timeline, meaning I just discovered it's based on a book and now I want to go to Borders and find said book. ::headdesk::

I also obsess in fandom. Current obsession is all things Founders. Could you tell?

2.) My favorite number is 5.

3.) My favorite color this summer seems to be pink and it's disturbing me. I've also got an unhealthy liking for all things flip-flop--as in, on shirts and bags and earrings. I have no clue why.

4.) I can watch movies with insane human death tolls and be fine, even enjoy them. I might find things too graphic, but I can handle them. However, if any kind of animal is so much as *slightly* injured, I am a MESS. I cannot handle animal injuries. And don't even imply animal fatality unless you want me a weeping mess.

5.) I have a birthmark on the inside of my right elbow and when I was in kindergarten, I used it to cheat when my teacher asked us to do anything involving our rights or lefts. Sometimes I still use it to cheat and remember my right from left. I most certainly don't ever do that anymore. Uh-uh.

6.) I hate James Taylor's voice with the passion of a billion fiery suns.


That was fun. I tag.... anyone who wants to play.

One more question of my flist. Envisioning a wizarding battle, I began wondering about Avada Kedavra. Is there any definitive answer as to when the spell became a spell? I imagine magic works much like science, with new discoveries and spells happening all the time (isn't that how Luna's mother died, experimenting with magic?). Otherwise, boring. I think I also sort of equate AK with guns, and other weapons of killing efficiency.

The point I'm getting to is, would this particular spell have been in use during the Founders' lives? I have a gut instinct here but I would like opinions.

ineedafuntagname!, hp, founders, meme

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