I can be done with all this BS tomorrow, right?

Dec 24, 2012 13:02

I admit it, I don't like Christmas, or the Holidays. Pretty much everything after Halloweeon til spring can blow and I woudn't mind. Except Mardi Gras, I have the feeling I would love that givne the chance.

But really, I haven't liked the holidays since my Gram passed. There's no meaning to it anymore and it's become one huge pain in the ass.

If it weren't for being married and having a kid of my own, I'd do the same thing I did before they came along - skip it all together.

It's stressful, annoying, far too expensive and full of people saying one thing and then doing another. Being false in the sake of "Holiday spirit".

I do like our little family Yule. A nice dinner at home, a few well thought out gifts and usually watching a movie. It's nice, quiet, meaningful and not stressed.

Today we go to my mom's for gifts that will sit there most likely (There's still stuff from last year I never bothered to do something with), gifts no one could really afford (I know we're screwed til next payday), a bunch of wrapping paper that she never puts in the recycling, food I shouldn't be eating (If I didn't bring the veggie tray anything that grows naturally would not be represented). I don't want to go. I'd rather stay home and relax.

I didn't sleep last night, I already have a headache and I still have to throw together one more lasagna to bring with cause "since I was making some" she volunteered me to make one for someone else, too. So much for the spare I was going to freeze.

This is my yearly holiday bitch. I do it every year. But I do it in private for the most part because I don't want to ruin things for my husband and daughter, or any other family, I suppose.

But really - I can't stand Christmas. And I will be so happy when all this BS is done for another year.

I honestly think a perfect Christmas for me would be to skip the presents, decorations, extra food and all that, and put the money towards a cabin in the middle of frickin' no where. Just quiet, some games, books, decent food and my family. Hiding away for about a week before the holiday til a week after New Years. Just hide and wait for it all to blow over.
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