As Craig says

Nov 07, 2012 07:31

"It's a great day for America everyone!" I can't wait to see the show tonight =)

I tried to stay up last night, I did. And even when I gave up I was such a bundle of nerves I couldn't get to sleep right away although I was exhausted. I made it through most of Obama's speech and had to turn in. BUt at least I was able to go to bed with that worry off my head.

But I went to bed not knowing if the marriage amendment here in MN was going to pass, it was very close the last time I look. That's what kept me tossing and turning most of the night.

This morning I got up, turned on the news and waited. Before they got to it, I logged onto facebook and saw a post from one of my dearest friends, I've known him since we were in 8th grade, congratulating MN on defeating the amendment. And thanking everyone who worked so hard to do it, from him and his husband. =) Hearing the news from him made the victory even more sweet. I remember their commitment ceremoney, it was beautiful and the first "wedding" my daughter ever went to. One step closer to being bombarded by weddings of friends and I will glaldy go to every single one. =)

Then, to make the morning even brighter, my daughter and I were watching the news and waiting to leave to get her to her bus stop and she says to me, "You know, I wouldn't have liked it, but I could have dealt with Romney as President. But the marriage amendment, not that. That scared me and I don't know what I would have done."

I'm doing something right. She gets good grades, works hard and is an all around awesome kid who gives me many reasons to be proud of her, but this morning brought tears to my eyes.

In 4 years, she'll be voting. I look at her and her friends and I have hope for our future. They're getting it, and they're already saying, "No, that's not right. We need to change it." When given the power to do so this country isn't going to know what hit it. =)
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