Happy Mother's Day!

May 12, 2013 07:59

The reason why we are here,
The reason why we are born

The person that we always longing for
and the person who always protect us

Even misunderstanding occurs,
Even fighting happens
In the end, we cannot deny
She, our one and only mother,
is the one we wanted to be on our side


especially to my beautiful mom who never failed to discipline me in order to become a respectable young lady. I love you mom! I know I never told you this but I really do love you.

and also to my inspiration mom, to Sakurai Sho's mom, happy mother's day! Thank you for not only on bringing Sho to us but to everything.

(Actually, I'm shy on posting mother's day message to Sho's mom only this girl give me enough confident after doing it to Ohno.. hehehehe..)

happy mother's day, mother, sakurai sho

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