Hey all! Great news, least for me, my computer is once more working! Not only that I am working on making my new bedroom my own. Me and my mum started painting the frames black last night (the windows gets crazy amount of light (since theres five of them) so it's not going to be a dark miasma), and the walls will eventually be the obvious contrast in white. Currently waiting on more tape though. Lotsa frames...
But besides that I've also been pretty busy in art class. Only started one of the about 12 painted kimonos I'm going to need to do by the third nine weeks though. x_X I like it, I only HOPE it fits a 70cm, or I might cry. (Last time I tried to mod my SD pattern, the sleeves were to short. Oops.) Either way it'll be something to go oooh that looks neato.
What I have done so far.
And also have been doing a painting of one of my favorite boy dolls, why is he my favorite? He just is. Lol he's a DZ Wing.
What Aerik looks like so far. =^.^= Yes Sirena keeps trying to help me with him. Pics of what he actually looks like -->