Well that was cool.

Jun 14, 2007 07:10

One of my gowns was nominated and selected as a Daily Deviation on DeviantArt yesterday.  This is a very big honor.  I am very flattered.  The only downside I see is that they picked the 2005 version of the AH gown, which doesn't exist anymore.  Still, at the time I was proud of it, so I suppose that is all that matters.    I still owe the person who nominated me a HUGE thank you.  I'm going to shoot her an email tonight, but I think I might also take her out for a more tangible thank you--like gelato when she comes to Bristol this summer.

On a completely other note.  Have any of you wenches heard from Appie recently? I know LJ isn't terribly high on the priority list in the grand scheme of things, but in this case no news is making me worried. 
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