Title: Groundless.
Author: Razzle
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, various.
words_challenge prompt: Discrimination. Crack.
They’ve always treated me differently. But it’s not my fault that I’m different.
It’s not my fucking fault that Ianto was so easily persuaded into bisexuality by the Cap’s raging pheromones. It’s not my fault that Owen will pretty much fuck anything as long as Jack doesn’t hear about it, or that Jack will fuck anything as long as everyone hears about it. It didn’t exactly take a hoard of rampaging lesbians to send Tosh or Gwen bi-ways.
So what if I can say I’m keeping myself not just for one sex, but for one man? But breeding is my primary purpose and it doesn’t do me any good to nuzzle up to another chick. And Jack or no Jack, Ianto would make a wonderful father.
I’ve got nothing but respect for my colleagues and their lifestyle choices. But I’m too old to change.
Also, I’m a fucking pterodactyl.