(no subject)

Apr 15, 2007 22:07

There is a lot that has happened over the last four months, this is the reason that I haven't update my jounal in such a long time....but I will start now and left everyone know what has been going on with me in 2007.

First of all, my boyfriend and I are still going strong and running towards our third year together YAY.

Second, I am still at my same job, still listening to stupid people bitch about their problems with the cable company are trying to sound empathic at the same time.  Don't get me wrong I love my job just sometimes I wish people could be more understanding when it comes to problems with their cable company.

Third, I had decided that I need to do something with my time other than sit on my butt and do nothing, so now I am going to be selling AVON, yup that's right, I am back to peddling skin care, the only thing is with Avon (previously I sold Mary Kay) the resources are free and easier to use.

Well, it's time to go to bed, so I will write more later if I can find the time, so until then

Live Life to the Fullest
Love Until it Hurts
And Never Forget Your Friends
Even If THEY Forget You
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