(Image was taken from Spacexat's post on the Kuro comm)
These two are Alois Trancy and Claude Faustus, the new master and butler duo for the second season of Kuroshitsuji anime. So! Questions:
♠ Is Alois a boy, or a reverse trap? (as brought up by Hilda)
Some part of me imagines that we're still working with the young boy-master dynamic, but if it was actually a girl...now that would be interesting. Because the 'Your Highness' way in which Claude is said to address Alois would mean Alois would be a princess.
...Does anyone else think that Alois kind of looks like Druitt? D8
♠ Is Claude Sebastian-renamed, or is it a new butler?
It's not Sebastian. It's William, guys, William. He's decided to go to the dark side and become a butler. But no, really, doesn't Claude look like him? Or at least Someone with a Similar Hairstyle? I tried making a decision on whether or not it was Sebastian by looking at his eyes...they're more narrow, but that might be because he has a constant glare on his face, at least from what we've seen so far xD His iris color though, as far as I can tell from the image, looks to be more of an amber color. So then it really IS William! could be that Sebastian can magically change eye colors, or it's a new person entirely.
♠ What does
this picture mean as far as Ciel and Sebastian's inclusion in the second series?
Some people in the Kuro comm think that Ciel is, in fact, older in this image. I personally don't know, even if he is older it isn't by much, maybe, what-- a year? Or two, at the very most? If anything he looks younger to me, but who knows! If he is older, does this mean we get a Ciel and Sebastian reappearance in season two?
But really. Like I said before, Ono Daisuke and Sakamoto Maaya resigned onto season two. This has to mean something. Unless we only get flashbacks or something, but even then...why would flashbacks be in season two where we have a new master-butler duo?
Hmmmmmm. I really can't wait until July to find outttt.