Title: Here to Hold on To
Wordcount: ~14,800
Warnings: minor character death, hospitals/illness (specifically Erica's epilepsy), mentions of bullying and miserable high school experience (also due to Erica's epilepsy, nothing more explicit than in canon), minor bloodplay towards the end. There's no sex, but Laura is very aware nonetheless of Erica's age.
Summary: A chance meeting in the hospital the morning after Laura kills Peter leaves Laura with a telepathic connection to a teenager she'd never met before--one who, after she finds out about werewolves, wants the bite.
A/N: Written for the "telepathy" square on my Trope Bingo card, and for Femslash February. Title from "City," by Sara Bareilles. Also, who is in the least bit surprised that my longest Teen Wolf fic to date is extremely rarepair femslash?
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Wolf.
Read it here on the AO3.