Apr 14, 2009 01:34
I heart Mel Brooks and The Producers has to be one of my favorite movies and musicals! I prefer the original move to the new movie musical. While I enjoyed both, I have to say, Gene Wilder beats Matthew Broderick hands down.
Hmmm...what did I get on the internet for again...? Oh wait, I was in the middle of reading The Waves and then got distracted by notions of studying abroad for a year or for a summer. I got on the web to look for stuff of study abroad programs and scholarships related to English and Med-Ren literature.
Had a fabulous Easter. Went to Dustin's parents' house where I had a late lunch with his whole family. Lunch consisted of ham and lots of dishes with cheese. There were also vegan chocolate cupcakes made with beer that had a coffee icing that tasted amazing. We played with his little cousin Sebastian for a while; we blew bubbles and played fetch with the dog. Then I watched The Duchess with his mom and sister; Dustin fell asleep. It wasn't that great of a movie although I did love the clothes. We came back home with a ton of leftovers and Easter candy.For some reason, Dustin's mom decided to include beef jerky in our Easter baskets. I have to keep a close eye on my Easter candy or else Dustin will eat it all.
Derby season is about to kick off in Louisville. The start of it is this weekend which is coincidentally a week before all my final papers are due. So I'm going to have a busy couple of weeks. Dustin and I move into our new apartment the 25--which is the when I have two papers due, one the day after, and another two days after.
Family is officially move to SC. Tiger made it okay; I was worried about him because he's gettin' kind of old and Mai had to get some dramamine from the vet to keep him calm on the trip down there. She said he got really spaced out and his eyes were huge and scary looking. Sophie was no problem. It's 76 degrees and almost always sunny in SC! No major ice and snow storms! I'm a little jealous though there wouldn't be snow days in SC. I haven't been to visit yet, trying to schedule my vacations so that my boss isn't complaining I'm taking off all the time.
I'm so relieved the semester is almost over! I cannot wait until summer, even though I'll only be staying in Louisville. When I'm not working, I'll be reading (going to try the 50 book challenge again), working on cosplay, going back to icon making, going to a couple weddings (which I love), visiting my family in their new home in SC, and of course having more time to add to the wiki on vice. Also, planning to research, write, and submit a paper to Mechademia on the construction of gender and sexuality in Ouran.
Going to open up a credit card account and considering buying a new laptop this summer. I've had mine since my freshman year of college. It's still working fine and dandy, though it's a tad slow and doesn't always want to work right with everything. Debating whether to get a Mac or stick with a PC. If I get a PC, I'll likely get a Dell since Dustin gets a discount through his work.