Dec 04, 2008 23:41
-3-4 pg Preface for Judith translation for OE (DUE MONDAY)
-Translation of Riddles for OE
-Writing up the 10+ journal entries I have left for 601 (DUE MONDAY...I think)
-Starting to throw together a facsimile of a sham of a 10 pg 506 research paper (DUE TUESDAY)
-Finish f'ing Frankenstein...(still not done...let's say I tried to stretch it out, so it'd stay fresh all semester long)
-Start paper on Frankenstein
-Start studying for OE final exam
At least my translation of Judith is done and typed. That's one thing accomplished. I'm just intimidated by the preface thing because frankly I'm always scared of what Dr. Rabin is going to think of my writing...this paper more so because it pertains specifically to his specialty.
Thinking of 506 makes me want to beat my head into the ground. I like the professor as a person, I like the readings, I like learning about all the different teaching methods, I DON'T WANT TO RESEARCH AND WRITE ABOUT ANY OF THEM AS IT PERTAINS TO THE REAL least not right now. It feels all icky, science and math related more than english/humanities.
Writing/Reading journals suck. It is way too much faith to put in students (even grad) to expect them to write an entry for every reading or every reading day and have it all done by the end of the semester. It will be done last minute, long after the readings have been read or skimmed.
Work is a bitch. It's bad enough they can't seem to hire competent people. It's even worse now because it's holiday season and there's almost no one willing to work the weekend. Guess what this weekend is needed for? Finals! Do I get off? No!