On the relief that doesn't make one happy...

Dec 21, 2010 17:54

Finally, after weeks of agony and hard work to try and make right something that was not my fault to begin with, a positive outcome has arrived. My final essay in my Master course in College was failed by the examiners. On reading their feedback report, I realised the examiners were expecting from the essay everything that I had been advised not to do from my supervisor. He did say on more than one occasion that the guidelines were confusing to him. When bringing that to the attention of the Students' Administration Office, I was presented with the option of appealing my result and re-submiting it within only 15 days in order to graduate with the rest of my colleagues.

After a successful appeal result, I shut myself in my flat with a huge pile of books and re-wrote the entire essay. 7500 words. Today the result came out: I've passed and will graduate along with my colleagues next month. But after so much stress and emotional draining, such good news came as a relief, but I feel so drained and tired that it's difficult to be happy. Perhaps after a good night's sleep I will be able to enjoy this. Such unfair situations that life present you with perhaps to teach you a lesson, and by the end of it, you ask yourself what lesson exactly were you supposed to have learned?
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