Oct 22, 2008 10:13
I have talked to so many people over the months, in our little valley we are very involved in politics believe it or not. I think maybe perhaps I have come across why this charlatan has the attention of so many in America.
All of us, most especially the white kids... were raised that God loves everyone and not to turn against someone because they are a different color. To give everyone a chance, see beneath the skin etc. So much that it has become paranoia. To many people between 30-65 now, they actually bow their head and accept the reverse racism and parity and affirmative action bullshit many (including myself) have been a victim of.
A person who is best qualified for a job should get it, better educated, better experienced, time in the position as a detail etc. All these things prove a person's metal.
All of us were raised to hope for a perfect world. No more war, no more hunger, no more racism, wouldn't that be wonderful? No more fear and crime and hate. But we can't force that world into being by voting for a man just BECAUSE he is black and we want to appear to be hip and cool. Mr. Obama just isn't ready for the job.
He is a junior senator. He has never ever even authored his own bill. His immediate response in the senate was to start campaigning for President instead of truly making a committment to his constituants and doing that job well.
What's his big hurry anyhow? He is 47 years old. He has lot's of time to actually learn about foreign politics, senate obligations, real and viable tax cuts, real and viable health care. Is it because he knows in the long term his credentials aren't going to make a vetting?
John McCain love or hate him, spent time as a prisoner of war never turning his back on his collegues there, sending each of them home ahead of him when he could. Is he a perfect candidate, no. But is there one?
The politically ignorant screech constantly about President Bush and his responses, but honestly have many of you taken the time to read up on each incident and cast your decision on how you would have handled it or what options were available? It's easy to condem, it's easy to critize, and it's easy to whine, but how about make the decision and have the guts to stand by it?
Fiscal Analysts have publically stated that if Obama's insane and plainly placating to the innocent and ignorant tax cuts were intitated, unemployment would increase by millions, I believe the estimate was 83 million people. Small businesses and I own 2 would be obliterated. There goes my dreams for my kids and the food off my table, and there are millions like me. You can call me Trish the gun store owner, of my husband Jeremy the IT company owner.
If you don't want to be a racist, don't vote for a candidate who is lacking in any ability to lead just to prove it. If you want to help with racial issues get involved in your community, reach out to a program like big brothers or big sisters. Donate to churches in your area, be a steady customer to a small business owner who is an immigrant, hold out your hand in friendship to someone of an ethnic background totally different to yours and learn about their history and families.
Don't buy the Obama hype commericals where he is surrounded by chubby white people from middle America with smiling children. Please....a more accurate audience would be an Oprah show audience with the great Lady herself standing above holding the strings, this isn't about the right man for the job, it is about the man that they can stand in front of an audience to look young and handsome and preach a good sounding Sunday sermon that changes with each congregation he faces.
I challenge anyone who is considering voting for Mr. Obama to go to a web site not sponsored by his campaign and read. Read his Senate voting record, read about his affiliations. His own career was starting in the living room of a man who self admitted bombed the white house and other agencies killing people in the 60's and says "I wish we had done more"... you need to make sure that this man Obama in totality represents what you think and feel.
Obama's commercials show him to be this warm well spoken caring man of color. He never mentions he is half white, as if he is embarassed by that. Nor that his father took off and he was for the most part raised by his white family, strange isnt it? If you go just by his speeches and his commercials, any kind caring person could be sucked in.
But this is a Presidential election, you need to look deeper. Politicians, and Obama is one remember that.... politicians are all about slight of hand and turn of phrase. You need to take repsonsibility and truly research what the opposition is saying and WHY before you cast that vote and hurt your neighbors and your Country.
For just a couple hours I challege you to go look stuff up instead of voting based upon a sweet heart inside you that wants to see that perfect world where color doesn't matter and anyone can achieve their dreams.
Color doesn't matter, but experience does. And we can't promote a candidate to preside over the most powerful nation in the free world just BECAUSE he is handsome and BECAUSE he is Black and BECAUSE we want to hurry that perfect world into being.
Don't just read the answers, read the questions. And in History, the worst criminals are the one's who won't apologize. Keep that thought in mind when you read his answers to our troops.