Spanking Adults

Dec 20, 2004 16:13

Parents love their children. I've never been a parent, but from what I understand, this is supposed to be true.

Children do things that hurt their parents sometimes, and parents discipline their kids, but that doesn't mean they don't love them.

I see discipline as a method of protecting children from hurting themselves and others. A time-out, or a good talking-to, or even the occasional swift smack across the bottom all usually work wonders for a child's understanding of actions and consequences.

It's a shame, then, that once a child reaches the age of 18 that discipline becomes an obsolete practice.

After all, as an "adult," how does one keep other adults from unintentionally hurting themselves and/or others? Other than talking, which never really seems to accomplish anything between adults, the only viable option left outside of incarceration (if they break laws in the process of upsetting someone else) is removing yourself from the grasp of the person whose undisciplined behavior is causing emotional distress, no matter how much you may love that person.
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