Just 2 parts from the "The Vampire Lestat" comic.

Mar 15, 2014 17:18

I never knew that there was a "The Vampire Lestat" comic, and it is also all done in rich watercolours. But I found-out when Google Images linked me to this post { http://sharpest-rose.livejournal.com/761423.html } which is a rambling & excerpts from my favourite The Vampire Chronicles character. Hell, I even named my little boy cat after him.

I linked to where I found it at the bottom of the comments in that Nicki post because someone there was asking (I also e-mailed it to them).

{ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9vTNflBf38 }

The comic artist painting Armand without eyebrows is amusing me more than it should.

armand, vampire, nicki, lestat, vampire chronicles, book, linking, vampires

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