On Holidays & Preparations

Dec 06, 2013 17:08

But regardless of online, I have managed to get things ready for Christmas. I got all but a few of my cards done & mailed out**, I got a parcel for someone all ready except the baking I want to add (which I haven't done because adoptive sister is cleaning for the adoptive sister that lives away's visit), I got almost all of my shopping done, and did 2 crafts. Someone pulled-out the sunflowers I had grown to hang-out for the winter for the birds, so I bought a sunflower seed bell, covered it in peanut butter, and rolled it in other bird seed. I also took a plastic ivy wreath from the local Salvation Army Thrift Store, and decorated it to hang in the kitchen next to my spoons/forks. I've been doing my Kinder advent calendar, and even the EBZ one with both Lorrie & Robin (though this new Calling Card thing is really upsetting me because most of the characters Lorel would send to, the players hate me, so I can't [and if I just stop logging in or talking about stuff I'm giving-in to the "nothing ever happened at all"). Also the new Second Chance limit pisses me off]. I wore my cream jingly antlers into town yesterday, and plan to wear them whenever I go out next until Christmas. I have several pairs of antlers, but usually don't start wearing them until later on. But I'm not getting out much now so I started wearing them early. Nicolas is getting excited because Christmas is his favourite holiday. It's not why he is named it, but he has a very fitting name. His eyes get so bright, and he gets so perky when anything holiday is near him. He loves to help wrap or craft or bake or decorate. He is usually a timid cat so it makes me happy to see him so bouncy. One year the live away adoptive sister's friend had brought a present and set it under the tree, and then he took pictures of Nicki opening it and putting tissue paper all over the floor. I've only gotten my brats 3 cheap toys so far because I got them deflea-ed and it was $60 I wasn't planning on spending yet. Well I planned to spend it, but I also earlier had to take Minnow to the vet early (I planned to in January) because her eye was sore, and the last 2 times she has had a sore eye it has been because Nicki or Lydia have scratched it by kicking her in the face. So that was a lot more than I was planning to have to spend on the brats. But I am all they have, and not wanting them to end-up as miserable as Sheba & Sparky (2 cats the SPCA had for adoption at PetsUnlimited for a long time because they were 14 & 9 and their owner had died) is it.

I don't post wishlists any more after that comment I got on one a few years ago. An anonymous comment saying that I didn't deserve to post a wishlist, that I was being greedy, and that I should do something with my life, I was just being whiny instead of being depressed, and that my mother was right to chose her boyfriend over me. I have things I want, and an Amazon.com Wish List, but every time I think of posting one I get flashbacks to that. It was even worst because I had just got back from the crap I had in Alberta, and it just added to the PTSD from that. But again I have things I want. Right now I especially want a Fancy Feast 2012 ornament, including the packaging & pouch they came with. I was supposed to get one last year, but they over expected and sent me a 2013 one instead. The problem is, is that most I've seen on ebay cost more to ship to Canada than the price of the item. And my Amazon.com Wish List: { http://amzn.com/w/YJR1LJFQIPGQ }. Most of the things I want aren't things I can add to Amazon though, but there is a lot of anxiety about asking. I would like people to do things with me more. ACNL has just become so lonely doing things feels pointless, I would like to watch or listen to things with people (like watch a show at the same time as them and Tweet or IM about it). I want to feel less ignored. I had a Graze.com invite code go to waste because no-one responded when I tried to give it away (thay don't ship to Canada). I also want hugs (and cuddles but that's asking too much).

**If anyone else wants to exchange cards, or get a photograph postcard, e-mail your address to: LadyNoremon at gmail.com
My post mail address is here: { http://twitpic.com/yloi7 }

holiday & list, contact information, holidays, picture

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