http://www.bridgetownciderfest.com/ }
I plan to update this later (I'm dealing with allergies right now & allergy meds) with my videos and an actual entry, but here are links to the Facebook albums for now:
Queen Street Café Ingles' Apple Orchard Tour Parades, Rubber Ducks, & Cardboard Boat Regatta Show and Shine:
1/22/2 EDIT---
Don't know when I'll get to the videos or an entry now. Nicolas may be sick, and I've got a lot of running about to do anyway. [And besides I'm too upset to go on my computer for awhile. Apparently tweeting just about Ciderfest, video-games, television, my cats, & talking to people I'm not terrified to talk to means I deserved to have my Following go down more (meaning I was probably Blocked by 3 more people). I just can't take how easy it is, and how nothing matters.]
Nicolas had a partially blocked bladder and had to be sedated to have it drained. He is staying at the vets' overnight for observation & to see if he can pee on his own now/if he'll eat any food. They put a blanket over his cage like a budgerigar! But this means more money to be budgeted for special food (Minnow is already on a special diet).