Back and Tired from Mobile

Nov 14, 2011 04:59

I got back in Bridgetown at 10:11PM, and I was going to make another post; but I started talking to Tom, and getting ready for bed, then like the last few days sleep hit me suddenly. I have gone from tired but not sleepy, to being unable to keep my eyes open! I feel kinda bad just suddenly leaving GTalk conversation, but other wise I would fall asleep with my RAZR open :-(
Anyway, I grabbed my stuff from where it was checked-in at around 5:20PM, and caught a Casino Taxi cab to the train station/bus stop. The bus was late and I stood out in 4C with my things until 6:40PM. My hands were numb D: I didnt listen to "The Silver Turk" on the way back as I figured it would mess-up my dreams. Nor did I nap as I couldnt get comfortable enough to. We drove past the Avery`s I was stuck at and sobbed outside of last month. At one stop, I watche a mouse/rat scurry across a parking lot.

My 3 brats were glad to see me--the horde followed me around & are still on my bed! Late supper was a not very tasty TV dinner.

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travel, adventure, hal-con

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